Chapter 6- cheer tryouts

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Not much really happened on Wednesday.

Emma's P.O.V.

Another day of passing notes in class with Taehyung. After class, Alyssa picked me up and we went over to cheer tryouts.

After signing up, the cheer captain explained that practice is every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. Games and performances are always on Sundays. We will have either a performance or game every other week. Everyone must wear white tennis shoes and the cheer uniform. The uniform is a pretty standard cheer tank top and skirt that's about a half of an inch longer than our regular school skirts. The 4 guys that were there had the same tank top but they also had track pants. They have our school colors, black and blue, with our school logo, a lion. We didn't put the uniforms on yet, they just put them on display so we could see what they looked like

Most of the squad members graduated last year so they have a lot of spots open. They had one girl in the front showing us the moves slowly as we all copied her. There were 5 girls including the captain and the co-captain watching us. Alyssa and I like to dance and after practice, we're really good. Well Alyssas had a lot more practice than me so she's a lot better but after a lot of practice I'm a pretty good dancer. Cheerleading is just like dancing. It seems like nobody remembers facial expressions. That's one thing that can make or break a performance. I remind Alyssa after the first minute of the routine. It's pretty sunny outside so it's hard to not squint but if you're like me and have high cheek bones, just smile really big and your eyes are naturally squinting.

I used to do cheerleading when I was in lower elementary school but my mom stopped signing me up around 4th grade. I was the co-captain, the only reason for the captain being the captain was because she was the coaches daughter.

The captains seem really sweet. They looked like they actually felt bad when they had to cut people. They sent Alyssa and I upfront and kept moving people around. Until they eventually found the right placement.

"Congratulations to all of you, you made the squad", the captain said as she applauded all of us. Alyssa and I screamed with the rest of the members and hugged each other before realizing it was a bad idea since we were both hot, sweaty, and sticky.

The coach came in and announced the next thing we had to do, which was finding our positions for stunts. We all had to get weighed which was personally my biggest fear. Alyssa was their first choice for a new flyer. As they were testing her out, the coach pulled me aside. "We would love to have you as a flyer, you have the right look, and amazing energy. We love your facial expressions and the sass you put into your cheers. The only problem would be your weight. We all think you're beautiful, but if being a flyer is something you want to do, you can let us know and we can get you started on a diet and a workout schedule, but everything would be on your terms, we won't make you do anything you don't want to do", I smiled and said, "thank you Mrs.Kim, I'll think about it", "please call me Jisoo", she said with a warm smile before running back over to the cheer squad.

I was made a spotter and they paired me up with Alyssa, so any stunt that she's in, it's my responsibility that she goes up safely. During regular cheers where there is no stunt, Alyssa and I are in the front, next to the captain.

"That concludes our tryouts for this year, thank you all for coming, congratulations, and don't forget that practice starts next Tuesday, that's when you'll get your uniforms, bring water bottles, stay hydrated, white sneakers, and that's it, thank you", the coach said before handing it off to the captain. "Okay, everyone, hands in the middle", the captain said as everyone gathered around to put their hand in the middle. "On the count of 3 we say break and our hands go up, ready?", everyone agreed and we started the count, "1, 2, 3, BREAK". The captain said that some days she'll someone else do it and we can say whatever we want.

We finally got dismissed and we saw a bunch of missed calls from the guys. I found out what Taehyung did with my phone on Tuesday, wow I hadn't even checked my contact list since then, he put his name in my phone as "Taehyungie💕💕". I called him back and said, "TAEHYUNGIEEEE", "oh you finally saw what I did huh?", he said sounding sly, "yes I did, now why did you guys call us so much?", I asked, as Alyssa and I started walking toward our dorms. "We're grabbing pizza and we wanted to know how much you guys wanted, we're bringing it over for the moving party", I asked Alyssa and we both agreed on cheese and pepperoni. Alyssa and I stopped my our Dorm Advisor to see if moving in together was okay and she said it was fine. We signed a couple papers and went on our way to our dorm. Alyssa has to be out of her dorm by Friday night.

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