Chapter 2- my tour guides

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Emma's P.O.V.

After waking up and putting on my school uniform, I decide to look around the campus. I usually wake up pretty early so by about 9am I was already lost. Somehow I found myself in the elementary school.... So I'm gonna see if they have any tour guides who can show me around the college campus.

I finally reach the familiar court yard and see that there are so many booths set up. There's one for every single club, sorority, and fraternity on campus. There's one surprisingly empty booth towards the end. And to my luck, it's labeled "campus tours". Everyone else's booth has students flocking to them. This one seems very empty. There are 2 guys running the booth and I immediately recognized them. They were 2 of the guys on the escalator with the prince. I finally built up the confidence to actually speak to the 2 handsome men so I walked up and said, "hi, I'm new to this school and I'd like a small tour", they both looked at me with confused looks on their faces until one of them finally says, "wow you must be the girl from the escalator. We were waiting for the rest of our group but I think they're off somewhere messing around. We can show you around, I'm a senior, my name is Jin, this is Namjoon, he's a junior, we know all about this school... OH WAIT what's your name and what grade are you in? I'm asking for a friend", I stared at him blankly for a second trying to process everything he's saying before I quietly say, "my name is Emma, I'm a sophomore". Namjoon steps forward and asks, "okay Emma, what would you like to see?", I respond by saying, "well I already checked out where all of my classes were, but that's it, so like the nurses office or anything fun you guys like to do on campus", Jin replied, "GREAT. Follow us", he smiled and gestured for me to follow.

While we're walking around Namjoon explained that we have a huge nurses office that is for all grades. We walked there and they showed me around all of the offices and talked to me about all of the people who work there. They taught me how to get whatever I want. But it sounds like I might have a hard time since they were telling me they just flirt with the old ladies at the front desk. They ladies are really sweet and love the boys so much.

We started walking to what the students call "the civic", which is just a small cluster of things like restaurants, clubs, stores, gas stations, and things like that on campus. As we're walking I take a minute to look at Namjoon and Jin. Namjoon stands tall and has somewhat of a maturity to him. I feel protected when I'm with him. I feel like he has some protective traits. As we're walking, Namjoon tells the story of the buildings and who they're named after and also just different subjects, so I'm guessing he's the really smart one. I'm getting businessman vibes from him. Jin, on the other hand, seems a bit more gentle, he does have a lot of masculine features though. His broad shoulders contrast from his full lips and his pretty face. I also feel protected by him but in a completely different way. He has a models face or maybe an actors face. He's kind of funny. You can tell he really really tries to be funny but he seems to be the only one who thinks so. You can tell they're very comfortable with each other and compliment each other well.

When we reach the civic, the boys show me around and inform me on where people usually hang out and what type of people usually hang out there. We hear music coming from around the corner and I'm confused but Jin and Namjoon seem a bit annoyed. They obviously know who it is. We come around the corner and see a group of people standing in a circle around a guy free-styling. He seems familiar and so does one of the guys in the crowd. The guy in the crowd is smiling and hyping up the one dancing, he seems a bit sweaty so I'm guessing he was also dancing. The guy in he crowd spots us and walks over. "Hey guys, you see Hoseok? His free-styling is unbelievable", he says to Jin and Namjoon, most likely talking about the dancer. "I'll yell at you guys later when I have all of you, but this is Emma, she's new and we're taking her on a tour of the campus", Jin says while gesturing towards me before adding, "and Emma, this is Jimin", before I can even say hi, Jimin asks, "oh my gosh where's Taehyung, has he seen her?", before I can ask who Taehyung is and why he wants to see me, Jin says, "I thought Taehyung was with you", Jimin then says, "no it's just Hoseok and I, Yoongi and Jungkook are inside 'Dog Days', I don't know what Yoongi is doing but Jungkook is flirting with one of the other freshman volunteers", just then, who I'm assuming is Hoseok comes over and the same thing happens. He's very sweet and charming and it takes him a couple minutes to realize whatever it is that these boys are realizing and he asks if this 'Taehyung' had seen me. I don't even bother asking at this point and we head into this store that's apparently called, 'dog days', there's a sign out front that says "get out of your slump, with a pup", hmm that's cute, I wonder what this is for.

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