Chapter 7- moving

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Emma's P.O.V.

Alyssa and I walked in and I showed her around. Though most of the dorms are the same, I felt it would be a nice roommate thing to do. When we were in her new room, we heard a knock at the door. I knew it was the boys so I opened it up and all 7 guys walked in with 2 boxes of pizza each. How. The hell. Are we. Supposed to. Eat. All that. Tonight???

When you move into one of these dorms, they are really like apartments, they only come with the rooms, bathroom, beds, and kitchen. No TV, couch, dresser, shower curtains, tables, chairs. The kitchen doesn't even come with blenders, toasters, coffee makers, or anything like that. Sink, counter, cupboards, stove/oven, dishwasher, fridge/freezer, that's it. I know it kinda sounds like a lot. 1st world problems..... okay.

We start by putting all of the empty boxes in one huge pile. The guys take all of the heavy stuff while Alyssa and I handle the lighter stuff. Since I took care of most of the lighter stuff when I first moved in, Alyssa and I finished quickly. We decided to bring her stuff over from Alyssas dorm while the boys were still setting up my entertainment center, and dresser. They sound very confused but it looks like it's getting along.

On the way back down, we run into a couple of guys who offer to help us carry stuff. When they take a couple of the heavy stuff, Alyssa and I go back to grab more things, if you get the chance, kill 2 birds with one stone.... not literally.

When we got back into my dorm, we let the boys know. We received a couple "Hey"s in a monotoned voice. They were mostly arguing about how to put stuff together. But when they heard one of the new guys say, "uhh, where would you like us to put this?", the boys stopped what they were doing, looked up, and said "who's that?", "they offered to help us carry boxes", I said before continuing, "you can put those boxes on that table, thank you", the guys did as they were told and left. Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok, who were putting together my entertainment center, we're having a hard time. So, Alyssa and I decided to take over. We told them to go help Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon in the other room with my dresser. After about 15 minutes, Alyssa and I had put the entertainment together and finished decorating it. We walk into my room and see that the boys can't even set up my dresser so again, Alyssa and I took over. We told them to go set up my TV, since it only takes 1-2 people, everyone else can go start bringing more stuff from Alyssas dorm. After about 10 minutes, Alyssa and I have my dresser completely finished and put all of my clothes inside. I told Alyssa to check on the boys while I finish putting decorations on top of my dresser.

When I'm finished, I bring out a whole bunch of empty boxes. I set them down in the pile and notice that most of my stuff is finished. We just have to unpack the living room decorations and finish stocking the kitchen with dishes and food. It takes about an hour to finish all of that stuff, then about another 2 hours to finish bringing all of Alyssas stuff down to our dorm.

It was around dinner time and the boys said they had to go to a meeting with their manager so they left. Alyssa and I made her bed and set up her essentials for her first night here. Tomorrow we'll finish unpacking her stuff.

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