Chapter 12- first day of cheer

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Emma's P.O.V.

I put on my uniform with my black leggings again. Luckily the weather showed to be pretty breezy so I won't be too hot during cheer today. I didn't want to wear my sunglasses again so I ran into the bathroom before Alyssa could see me and put on my concealer.

I open the door and put on my smile. "Ready to go?", I said to Alyssa who was almost done putting her shoes on. She looked at me like I was crazy for a couple seconds before smiling and said, "Yeah!", she finished putting on her shoes and we walked out of our dorm. She probably thinks I have like a multiple personality disorder or something. Alyssa drops me off at my class because hers is 2 doors down. I take a deep breath and walk inside with my iced coffee. "EMMAAAA", I hear Taehyung and Jimin from all the way in the back of the lecture hall. I smiled and yelled "HEY GUYS", as I made my way up the steps. Taehyung turned around to Jimin, they both looked surprised. They probably also think I have a multiple personality disorder or something like that.

The rest of the class went smoothly, just like any other B day. That's what I call Tuesdays and Thursdays. It was just like any other, but talking to him this time felt more natural. He was smiling a lot more. He was so excited to hear me laugh, and we had a lot of staring contests. He won 1 round but to be honest I let him win it because I won the first 5 rounds.

Our second class was the same. We got bored so we started passing notes and talking.

At one point I was laughing so hard that it hurt. Taehyung was laughing too and he started hitting the table before lightly hitting my arm. I stopped laughing and flinched. "Oh I'm sorry did that hurt? I didn't think I hit that hard", "oh no no it just caught me off guard", I said, I lied, he didn't hit that hard though. The rest of the class period was fine.

I met Alyssa and her class and we headed to cheer practice. We obviously stopped at our dorm to get our white sneakers and water bottles.

The first thing we did was get our uniforms. It took about an hour to get everyone fitted. This is the only practice where we will be wearing our uniforms the whole time. We were all too lazy and the coach thought it would be nice to get a feel for cheering in our uniforms.

The rest of practice is just learning our first routine. We took many water breaks and whenever Alyssa tried to skip one I made her take a sip of her water to keep her hydrated. Alyssa loves drinking water but when she's dancing or cheering she needs to be reminded to stay hydrated.

Alyssa and I took pictures in our uniforms so we could post them. We took a couple together just posing then we did some individually holding cheer positions. I let Alyssa post hers but I don't post anything. I don't really post on social media. I don't even go on social media. Obviously when you don't have any friends what pictures or posts could you be looking at? I might start posting soon. Baby steps for now, I just made friends.

Alyssa and I head home and make spaghetti for dinner before watching a couple drama episodes and falling asleep.

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