Chapter 5- my friends

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Emma's P.O.V.

I invite Taehyung in to sit on my couch while I get ready. I stand in the bathroom with the door open so I can hear him talking. As I start to apply concealer on my face he asks, "you still haven't finished unpacking?", "well I just moved in a couple days ago, there's also a lot of heavy stuff I can't move by myself", I said loud enough so he could hear in the living room. With his voice growing louder, he says, "well the boys and I would love to help you unpack", I can hear him getting closer so I hurry up and finish putting on my concealer. "That would be nice, I'll ask a dinner", I said as I started putting everything away, next thing I know, Taehyung jumps at me from around the corner and yells. "AHHH TAEHYUNG WHAT THE HELL???", I screamed as I jumped back, falling on the floor. Taehyung started laughing so hard he fell onto the floor as well. I started laughing at him laughing at me and took a clean washcloth to throw at him. He said, "heeeeyyy!!", before continuing to laugh and standing up. He put his hand out to help me up and before I could grab it, he threw the towel and me and ran away. "TAEHYUNG GET BACK HERE" I yelled as I got up and started slowly chasing him... I'm not very fast. I looked around and couldn't find him so I started to yell, "TAEHYUUUUUUUUUNG WHERE ARE YOUUUU", I sat down on the couch and let out a big sigh. All of a sudden I get a text saying, "come look for me. -T", I sigh again and roll my eyes before smiling and standing up. All of a sudden Taehyung jumps out of a big box that I had in my living room and yells out, "DONT ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME", again I scream and fall down. In between laughter I manage to say, "how did you know I rolled my eyes at you?", also in between uncontrollable laughter, Taehyung says, "you have a hole in your box.... it may or may not have been there before I got in it". After a few more minutes of laughter I was sitting up on the couch talking to Taehyung who was still sitting in my box. I found another one that was big enough and empty so I pulled mine up close to his and say in it.

We talked for about an hour having a surprisingly deep conversation. At the end he let out a big sigh and said, "I missed seeing your green eyes", I blushed and smiled while looking down before he started to laugh uncontrollably again. I giggled at his cute laugh and asked why he was laughing. He said, "to be honest, my friends are crazy and weird just like me but I bet none of them would sit inside of a cardboard box with me for an hour and have a deep conversation at the same time", I started to laugh before I checked my phone and saw that an hour really had gone by. "Welp, we missed lunch, maybe we can ask the guys to move up dinner an hour", Taehyung agreed and texted the boys. "Wait can I see your phone for a second?", he asked like it was a very serious question. "Yeah of course here you go", I said before I unlocked my phone and gave it to him. After a minute of watching his thumbs type away, I asked him what he did as he was handing it back and he said with a sly smile, "well I locked your phone for 5 minutes so I guess you'll know then", I shook my head and laughed slightly before saying, "well I have to go talk to Mrs. Park about that job, would you like to come with me?", Taehyung jumped up and said "yeah I love that place!! That's also probably where Jungkook is, flirting with Alyssa", "Okay great", I said as I stepped out of the box, I started putting my shoes back on when I hear a loud thud behind me. I turned around to see Taehyung on the floor but still half way in the box, he's laughing so hard there isn't even noise coming out. I suddenly burst out laughing and also fall to the floor. We tried helping each other up but it was hard since we were both laughing but we pulled ourselves onto the couch and sat up which was a good start.

After a minute of calming down, we finally made it out of the door. Taehyung was okay and we were now walking over to Dog Days. On our walk we started talking about completely random things. Literally from talking about a tree, to dogs, to lobsters, to potatoes, to birthdays, I have no idea.

When we open the door, immediately Jungkook yells, "HYUNG, NOONA", boy I'm only one year older than you sit your butt down with that Noona crap. The boys jumped into a hug like drake and josh do when they say, "HUG ME BROTHA", and start yelling. We were trying to tell Jungkook and Alyssa the story of what happened in my dorm but we were laughing too much to actually get the story out so they decided to tell us their news. They said that Jimin, Taehyung, and I all got a job there. I was super excited and Taehyung was happy but a little confused, "Wait, I didn't apply for a job", "well I kind of signed you up", Jungkook said with a child-like smile on his face.

We spent a while talking to Mrs. Park about the job and what we would have to do. She also made it very clear that she wanted us to call her Chaeyoung instead.

When we finished talking to Chaeyoung, it was time for dinner. The rest of the boys met us at Dog Days and we all walked over to the restaurant around the corner.

Dinner was amazing. I forgot what it felt like to have friends. They told me about this entertainment they're trainees at. They have to wait for Jungkook to graduate before their debut. They were given the option to debut without him and just add him in later on but they became really close friends and decided to wait the extra year. They told me all of their positions. In the middle of talking about it, Jungkook interrupts and says, "OH MY GOSH, they need to let Alyssa audition, she has such a beautiful voice". The boys asked if I sung and I said, "yeah it kind of helps me escape".

I learned why all of the boys have the same art class. Turns out they met there in elementary school art class and just kept choosing the same one all throughout high school. That's the only reason why they're so good at art, they don't usually do it outside of school.

The boys shared a lot of embarrassing stories about each other which was pretty funny.

I think by the end of the night, everyone had everyone's phone numbers.

Alyssa convinced me to sign up for cheerleading with her on Thursday and after that, the boys are coming over to help me finish unpacking.

Monday's and Wednesday's are the only days I try not to plan stuff on because that's when I have 2 classes in the morning and one really long class between lunch and dinner. On tuesdays and Thursday's, I have 2 short classes in the morning then I'm free after that. On Fridays I don't have any classes.

After dinner, the boys walked Alyssa and I to our dorms because they're actually such charming frikin gentlemen. They dropped me off first and when Alyssa realized I lived alone, she stated that she also lived alone. I asked her if she wanted to move in with me since I didn't like so much quietness and she agreed. That's probably another thing we can add to the list for Thursday and if not, none of us have any classes on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. So it'll probably work out.

I head into my dorm and wave goodnight to Alyssa, and the boys. Tonight, I finally sleep in my new bed.

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