Chapter 17- coming to terms

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Emma's P.O.V.

It was about 9am when the rest of the guys came in screaming, they were all so happy that I was back. I was still in Taehyungs arms when I woke up. I looked up at him as he slowly opened his sleepy eyes. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Good morning guys", he said in his deep, raspy, morning voice. "Good morning Taehyung.... good morning Emma", they responded. Taehyung and I sat up to greet the boys. They all wanted hugs but I still wasn't wearing pants, so Taehyung wrapped his blanket around me and held it there until I hugged all 5 guys. When I was done, he yanked me back to sit on the couch so he could hug me again. "Oh you got a text from Jungkook", I said after seeing Taehyungs phone light up. "What does it say?", he asked while peering over my shoulder to read the text. "We're heading over now, does Emma need anything from her dorm?", I read aloud to Taehyung and he told me to answer it. All I sent was, "pants please", this made Taehyung chuckle. "Is it okay if Holly comes over? She was supposed to come over anyway to help us search for you", Hoseok asked. "of course she can" I replied happily. Holly is such a cutie. She's so sweet and so genuine. She's hung out with the group a couple of times and Hoseok really seems to be taken with her, they're honestly so cute. Holly and Alyssa have also been friends for about 2 years. She has the cutest chubby cheeks and the sweetest personality. Hoseok says she has an amazing singing voice, he describes it as, "smooth as honey". I've also been told she has a hard time waking up so early, so it's surprising when she comes in at the same time as Alyssa and Jungkook. Alyssa ran up and gave me a huge hug. She handed me the shorts so I could hug Holly and Jungkook without any awkwardness.

We all ate a nice, short breakfast before heading to my dorm to put on my uniform, then go to the nurses office. I felt bad because Alyssa, Holly, and all of the guys wanted to come with me. I told them they didn't have to but they came anyway.

The doctor let me choose 2 people to come into the room with me since she couldn't allow 9 guests. I chose Taehyung as emotional support, and Namjoon, so he could explain all the stuff the doctor was saying.

From what I could tell, the doctor was saying my bruises were really bad and I had some damage somewhere in my stomach. There would be permanent scars, and some other stuff I didn't understand. Namjoon told me I would be fine and all I needed to do was rest and drink lots of water.

We all went out for lunch before I had to go to the police station. I only brought Taehyung because I knew it was going to be highly emotional telling them everything that happened.

I went into the room to give my statement which didn't take too long. Taehyung wasn't allowed in the room with me so when I came out they gave us a minute together so I could calm down before Taehyung had to make a statement. They needed Alyssa to come down as well so Jungkook brought her down. We gave the police officers the name and address and they soon sent for him. While Chris was in custody, Taehyung volunteered to get my phone and clothes from his house. I couldn't bring myself to go inside.

The rest of the guys, Alyssa, and Holly, all decided to go out to eat. Taehyung made me stay at my dorm. The rest of our group wanted to stay too but I made them go have fun. I told them I'd be out with them soon enough. Taehyung obviously stayed with me.

We sat on my bed cuddling for almost an hour just talking about life. Taehyung noticed I was getting a bit choked up so we both sat up and he asked me, "what do you do when you're trying to feel better?", "well when I was back home with my family, and I was home alone, I would turn on some music and just belt out all of my favorite songs, but here where I have close neighbors, I just quietly sing random songs", I replied while playing with his fingers. "I still haven't heard you sing, can I hear it?", I know if I start telling him I'm nervous I'll just be way more nervous so I just take a deep breath and start to sing someone like you, by Adele. This is my favorite song. So powerful and meaningful. Adele is one of my favorite artists, she's gotten me through some tough times. As I finish singing, Taehyung makes a phone call. "Who are you calling?", I ask, highly confused. "Big Hit Entertainment", I'm still very confused and he actually starts talking to someone, "Hi, this is Kim Taehyung, I'm a trainee here... I'd like to call in a favor", "what are you doing?", I whisper, still confused. He holds up his pointer finger and tells me to wait one minute before continuing, "Hi, I would like to get my friend an audition", oh no, I start to tackle him and try to get the phone away. I'm giggling and through laughter, Taehyung continues, "I can text you all of her details, she's an amazing singer, you'll love her", by now we're on the floor. I'm on top of Taehyung, he's ended the phone call. Our faces are just a couple inches away. And. I lean in..... but go back to siting on the bed. Taehyung is still sitting on the floor and out of embarrassment, he says, "Woooooooooow... that was rude", "Well you called Big Hit Entertainment on me.... sooo". All of a sudden, Taehyung jumps right onto me. "Don't tease me", he says in his deep voice before kissing me so hard, there were probably sparks flying around the entire world. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and one of my hands was on his face while the other one was gripped onto the bed. Since Taehyung was on top of me, he kept one hand on the bed next to my face for stability, and the other hand on my face. Taehyung starts to move his hand down to my neck which makes me freak out and push him off of me. I start to curl up in the corner and hyperventilate. "Emma, it's me... you're okay... I'm sorry... I don't want to hurt you", I stand up and start to walk around my room. "We'll do this on your terms, whatever you're ready for, whenever you're ready for it, don't worry", it takes me a minute but my breathing slows down. All it takes for me is to look him in the eyes. "Okay, a couple rules... no neck... nothing dealing with my neck, no pain, none of that stuff, and we're not doing, it, tonight...", I said straight up, earning a nod and, "sounds fair enough", he waits a second before realizing something, smirking, and asking, "hey do you still have the matching purple undies, and bra on?", "why yes I do, Kim Taehyung, why?", I answered already starting to unbutton my shirt. "Well I don't believe you, I'd like to see", I'm now done unbuttoning my shirt and the skirt was obviously very easy to take off. Taehyung smiles with that adorable boxy smile of his and rushed up to me. I back up to the door and hold out my hand, "nope, if we get caught I'm not going to be the only one almost naked... take. It. Off.", damn I'm so proud of myself, being all assertive. Taehyung starts to strip as I walk around him, just glancing up and down. I stand by the bed and start dancing around. "Geez, you're so beautiful", Taehyung says making me giggle before he runs over and picks me up, only to set me back down on the bed. After like another 5 minutes of making out I guess? Taehyung and I hear the door open and close. I realized I never locked it. Taehyung rushes to the bedroom door and waits to see if he hears any voices. All of a sudden we hear a girls voice giggling. It gets louder and louder until we hear someone clearly saying, "Jungkook, put me down", before giggling again. It's Alyssa and Jungkook. We hear Jungkook say, "okay", before also hearing something drop onto the bed, "OW NOT LIKE THAT", Alyssa says before giggling again and the bedroom door almost slams shut. I start giggling again which always makes Taehyung go crazy. He jumps back on top of me and obviously... goes crazy.

Falling asleep while snuggling Taehyung is the best feeling in the world. I'm so in love with this man. He falls asleep while I run my hands through his hair. I'm in his arms. I feel safe.

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