Chapter 8- the fort

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Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up to an amazing smell. Chicken flavored ramen.... with eggs? Oh yeah. I forgot Alyssa lives here now. She said she loves cooking. I came out of my room and see that she had prepared 2 bowls. I hope one is for me, it smells so yummy. "Good morning, I'm glad you also wake up early, now I have someone to eat breakfast with, that bowl is for you", she says as she points to one bowl and brings her bowl to the couch. I bring mine over as well and see that she has a drama on the screen. "Oh my gosh I love sassy go go", I said as she grabs the remote and turns the volume up, "I know I've seen it about 5 times already, I'm on my 6th, just started on the first episode". We're going to meet the boys at the cafeteria for lunch, then afterwards, we're going to come back and finish unpacking her things.

Alyssa and I reach the cafeteria at 1 and wait for the boys to get there, which doesn't take long.

After eating our lunch, we all rush home because we have a brilliant idea, a fort made of boxes. Alyssa and I already touched on some of the small stuff this morning and finished her entire room besides her dresser. After explaining to the guys how to put the dresser together, Alyssa and I finish putting her stuff away in the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. She also brought her living room tv so she put it in her room on top of her dresser. After the guys put Alyssas dresser together, they all jumped around and screamed because they were so proud of each other. After Alyssa and I finished putting her stuff in her dresser, we finally started to make the fort.

I came up with a brilliant idea, since Alyssa and I had so many boxes, we folded them all back up into actual cubes and used them as walls and the ones we had extra of, we flattened out and taped together as a roof since it's pretty hard to find a stable roof for a fort. The fort is big enough for al of us to comfortably sit in it, but also small enough to you can still sit on the couch and watch the TV. Thanks to Alyssa, we have a huge fluffy rug to sit on top of. Everyone grabs a blanket and sits inside. We put up some fairy lights that Alyssa has for photography and let me just say it is looking beautiful. Obviously everyone is talking pictures and posting them. After Jin takes all of his pictures, he asks me, "Emma how did you come up with this idea", I smiled and said, "when Taehyung and I were sitting in those boxes, he was talking and all I could think about was how to build the best fort out of boxes", I started laughing really hard and Taehyung seemed jokingly offended. "Nooo no no, I know everything you were saying, I do that al the time. I space out for like an hour but I still know what the person said". We start messing around and telling stories. My favorite part was doing hand puppets with flashlights. We started playing truth or dare, but it was like the simple truth or dare when you don't really know what to ask. I was dared to sit on Alyssas lap and we both said we really don't care. "We've already become besties", I said while hugging her. "Yeah cheerleading really brings people together", Alyssa said while returning my hug. "Oh yeah you guys didn't tell us how cheer went", Jungkook said. We told them the whole story and basically forgot we were even playing a game. We talked until 11pm and the boys said they really had to get home. We were all by the door and the boys were talking about how next time we play truth or dare they will come prepared. The boys were being so loud and extra but they were also so sleepy. I feel my phone buzz and I don't even check who it is before answering it. I say hello very energetically and...

Taehyungs P.O.V.

Tonight has been one of the best nights I've had in a long time. Our group loves Emma and Alyssa, we all have such a good time together. I stand back and watch the boys yelling and being extra while Emma and Alyssa giggle and laugh at them wondering how my life got so good. Emma gets a phone call. She doesn't even check who it is before answering but after a second she looks like she regrets her decision. "No no no, they're just friends I promise.... NO", she says before running into her room. Nobody else notices besides Alyssa and I but the boys look like they're now ready to go. They all say bye to Alyssa and ask where Emma went, "she's probably going to the bathroom", Alyssa says with full confidence, I saw her go into her room at the end of the hallway, but Alyssa seems to know what's going on so I trust that she can help Emma. Alyssa nods to me and walks us out. I hope Emma's okay. I'll text her when I get home just to be sure.

Alyssas P.O.V.

A couple minutes after the boys leave, running and screaming down the hallway, Emma comes out wearing black track pants, a black hoodie, and dark sunglasses. "Emma, where are you going?", I say trying to block her from leaving. "I'm just going for a run", she says with a smile and an energetic tone. I can tell she's faking, "with sunglasses on at 11:20pm?", "ummm.... yeah", she says as she pretends to go one way and goes the other way when I try to block her again. She makes her way to the door and says, "I'll be back soon", before running out. After about 2 minutes I receive a text from her, "I'll probably be back on Sunday, don't worry about me, I'll be okay, help yourself to anything in the fridge so it doesn't go bad while I'm away... good night", "UGH I KNEW IT", I say as I run out trying to follow her. I call Jungkook and let him know the situation, I leave it up to him to tell Taehyung if he thinks he can handle it... listen.... we all know he likes Emma. Jungkook said depending on if I find her tonight, he'll tell Taehyung in the morning.

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