Chapter 13- first day at work

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Emma's P.O.V.

I work today from 10am-3:30pm, along with Alyssa, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. Today is going to be so much fun.

Or maybe it's going to be boring. We don't actually get a lot of customers and we're not supposed to be messing around on the job so we just sit in the dog pens and talk for 6 and a half hours. Stopping a couple times in between when someone eventually comes in. We found a ball that the dogs hadn't slobbered on and used that to play catch. We continued talking while sitting along the wall of the big dog pen.

We're going to find a way to make our job more fun but for right now, Alyssa and I have to go to our second cheer practice.

Taehyungs P.O.V.

I stop Emma before she leaves so I can ask her a question. "2 weeks from today, there's going to be an art show at the museum a few blocks away, and our art teacher submitted my painting to represent our school. Would you like to come?", I already asked the boys, and Jungkook asked Alyssa so it's not a big deal, everyone's going, but I wanted to ask her personally. "Of course!! I would love to come!!", Emma says with a bright smile on her face. I couldn't help but uncontrollably smile. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow", she smiled too and said, "okay", when she gets those lines next to her eyes when she smiles, she's truly happy. Alyssa pulls Emma outside making her stumble and slightly bump into the doorway. Through the glass I can see them both laughing really hard. Emma keeps turning around and after a couple times I actually waved to her. She realized I could still see her and she stopped turning around. I turned back to the boys and put my hands on my heart. "AAAHHHH", I screamed. Jungkook and Jimin had already walked over and were now standing in front of me. They also started screaming and laughing, and punching me.

Emma's P.O.V.

In 2 weeks I'll be going to an art show with my friends for a painting of a princess that looks exactly like me and was painted by the guy I like. What is my life????

Cheer practice again went well, Alyssa got to lead the chant at the end, she made everyone yell chicken nuggets.

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