Chapter 4- my second day

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Emma's P.O.V.

After waking up on the floor of my boyfriends bedroom I try to sneak out as quietly as I can. I run over to my dorm as fast as possible (though I hate running), and change into my school clothes. There's no time for a full breakfast so I decide to grab an iced coffee and head to my math class. I walk into the lecture hall and try to find a seat towards the back. The desks seat 3 people and between the desks there are walkways. There are about 5 desks in each row and about 6 rows. "Emma?", I hear a deep voice coming from the very back corner of the room. I look up to see Taehyung walking down the steps with a very concerned look on his face. "What's with the sunglasses are you okay?", he says while cupping my face in his hands and looking all around me to see if anything's wrong. "Yeah I'm okay, just a migraine, seeing the light hurts", I did have a headache, but I didn't have a migraine, so technically I lied but it's much easier than the truth. "Okay we'll come sit with me in the back", he said while taking my hand and leading me up the stairs to where he's sitting. I sat on the end and Taehyung in the middle, Jimin later joined us and sat on the other end. Taehyung explained the situation to Jimin before he could ask what was wrong but I saw the concern on his face anyway. I don't think they believe me. I wouldn't. The room wasn't even that bright anyway and my hair was all messed up too. I didn't have time to brush it this morning. I set my head down on the desk and felt someone's hand rubbing my back. I turned my head the other way and saw Taehyung lean over to say, "are you sure you want to be here? We can take you back home", "I'm okay, but thank you", just as I finished speaking, Ms.Manoban walked in to start the class. I believe she's Thai, she can speak many different languages.

After about 20 minutes of boring lectures I receive a note from Taehyung. I open it and read, "I'm so bored", I smile and write my response, "it's math... what did you expect?". After that we continue writing back and forth.

T: ugh I hate math
E: same
T: what do you like to do?
E: I like to sing and dance and listen to music
T: wow me too, I also like to play video games and hang out with my friends
E: yeah video games are fun but I don't have any friends to play with or hang out with
T: why not?
E: well everyone at my old school sort of hates me
T: well that doesn't matter now, I'm your friend, and I'm sure Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin would also love to be your friends.
E: thank you that makes me feel a little bit better
T: I know we aren't girls who can talk about guys with you or any of that other girly stuff but we still got your back
E: thank you, I know I'm only one girl against 7 guys but I still have your backs
T: hey if you are looking for girly friends I heard the cheerleading squad has a few openings
E: oh really? I might check into that. It might be good to get my mind off of some stuff
T: like what stuff?

I look around and try to find a way to get off topic. I see Jimin leaked over into the walkway trying to flirt with the girl at the next desk. So I reply...

E: what's Jimin doing?
T: probably flirting
E: he's probably saying something like, 'hey girl... I seem to have lost my phone number... can I have yours?'
T: or something like, 'How am I supposed to shamelessly flirt with you at night when I don't have your phone number?'
E: or maybe, 'I don't usually ask strangers for their phone numbers, but I'll be extremely pissed at myself if I never see you again'

We both start quietly laughing, which is really really hard. Taehyung is so funny but the class is so quiet. Oh my gosh I'm trying not to actually pee myself. His laugh is so cute it's making me laugh even more. Taehyung smiles at the piece of paper, then back at me, he smirks and begins writing again. He hands me the piece of paper back which has a phone number on it and at the bottom, it says...

T: friends should have each other's phone numbers right?

I sent him back a paper with my phone number on it and also wrote...

E: right.

He looked extremely happy upon receiving the note. This is literally the best thing thats happened to me in such a long time. I don't think I've ever been happier. But. Taehyung leaned over and said, "your eyes are so beautiful, they look even better when you smile, can you take your glasses off for a second?", while giving me an adorably cute half smile. "Maybe later", I whispered with my head down. "Oh that reminds me", he started excitedly before realizing he's in a class and calmed down. He continued, "do you want to go out to dinner with the boys and I tonight? Alyssas also going", he looked like an excited little puppy dog. "I would love to come", I said with a smile. Well this made my day, probably my whole year. I have friends. People who care about me besides my family who lives far away. And one of those people being Taehyung? Wow.

After another hour of passing notes back and forth, we were finally dismissed. I ask Taehyung if he has anymore classes for today and he says he has one right after this class with a Mrs.Park. So so I omg. He gets all excited and leaves Jimin to continue flirting with the girl from before. Taehyung practically skips to our next class making me giggle. I guess my giggle is what powers that rectangular smile that he has.

Taehyung and I take our seats and notice that the teacher has just begun teaching. I guess we'll have to make our way over here a bit faster. She has her name written on the board and??!? What? Another Park Jimin? Wow she's really pretty though. Wow one of my other teachers names was Beak Ye-Rin. That's cool, like from 15&.

After another class period of passing notes with Taehyung, he invited me to a late lunch with him since the dinner is going to be late as well. I told him I would love to but I would also have to stop by my dorm first. He agreed and walked with me to my dorm.

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