Chapter 15- when the truth comes out pt.1

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Emma's P.O.V.

School today was fine, and so was cheer practice after lunch. For right now though, we have to work on an art project. Since Jin has Namjoon, Jimin has Yoongi, Hoseok has a girl from the front of the class, and Jungkook has Alyssa, Taehyung asked me to be his partner. We basically just have to roam around campus and take pictures of each other. We could also get extra credit if we can get one nice picture of both of us together. We asked for work off tonight so we could get it all done in one shot. There has to be at least 5 different pictures of each partner with a different background.

Everyone in our friend group made it a race. We would all meet by the big field when we were done. That's where all of the outdoor sports events and practices would be held so we just call it 'the field'. The last pair to reach the field have to buy dinner for everyone and the first pair gets to choose where we eat.

Taehyung and I start at Dog Days, I take a picture of him holding a puppy so we don't copy Jimins picture of me.

Our next stop is an old cafe where they serve the drinks and food on old fancy dishes. Taehyung took a picture of me sipping coffee from an old mug while looking out the window.

The coffee shop was a double-hitter since the side had beautiful silhouette paintings. I took a picture of Taehyung posed next to one of the silhouettes and the light was hitting him perfectly.

Right next door was an ice cream shop. Taehyung bought me a small ice cream cone to pose with. I sat on a beautiful iron chair and the lighting again was perfect.

We headed off towards the classes. The closest one was our art class. I took a picture of Taehyung painting. I didn't realize but he was actually painting something, he wrote, in script, 'my beautiful princess -T'. I giggled and ruffled his hair. I took his hand, and also took the painting, before leading him out to our next stop.

We then headed to our math class. We had to interrupt a lesson but our teacher was okay with it since we didn't take that long. Taehyung took a picture of me in the front of the class with a book propped up in front of me while I had my head down to make it look like I was sleeping in class. Taehyung took a couple shots from a couple angles and we ran out of the class.

Our last stop before heading to the field was the park. There are some benches, a lot of trees, and some swings. We have a few parks on campus but this one is the closest. I took a picture of Taehyung climbing an old oak tree with low hanging branches. There is an obvious sign saying we aren't allowed to climb it...... but we were quick.

We ran ran over to the swings and Taehyung took a couple of me on there.

We ran over to the field with one picture left each. Sometimes the different sports teams at our school like to share the field at the same time so first we went over to the soccer team. Taehyung asked to borrow one of their soccer balls so I took a couple pictures of him almost kicking it, and since they had the goals set up, I took some of him almost blocking a ball.

We then walked over to the football team and asked to borrow one of their footballs for a second, so Taehyung got couple pictures of me almost throwing it and setting it up for a punt.

Taehyung asked one of the football players if he could take a picture of us on the bench where we are supposed to meet our friends and luckily he agreed. We trusted him with the camera since he's also in our general arts class. Taehyung put his arm around me and I leaned my head towards him. After hearing the camera click, Taehyung stood up to get it back. As the football player was handing the camera back to Taehyung, he said, "you guys are a cute couple", Taehyung loudly and immediately said, "thanks, she's the cutest", as he was walking away. He was already gone before I could get the chance to say anything.

We were obviously the first pair to reach the bench so we immediately started to think of places to eat. Other pairs soon started coming in. First it was Jungkook and Alyssa, then Jimin and Yoongi, then Hoseok and his girl Holly, and finally, Namjoon and Jin. Taehyung and I couldn't think of somewhere to eat so we all started talking about it. We eventually got off topic, as usual, and everyone started talking about their photoshoot adventures. Everyone was talking and having a great time, until my entire world came falling apart... it might sound a bit dramatic, but that's what it felt like.

Taehyungs P.O.V.

We were just having a great time until this random car drives right behind us. Their music is turned up all the way and so is their base. A whole bunch of guys get out and obnoxiously keep their doors open until they get all of the gear out of their car. The music is still blasting and it's so annoying, the guys look like huge jerks too. "Ugh... the baseball team", Jin says. Emma stands up as quick as possible and says in the most serious tone, "what?", "Yeah that's the baseball team, they're all jerks, most of them are in my grade... at least I don't see the captain... ugh he gets on my nerves so much... you know he's 30 years old? He failed a whole bunch of grades", Jin said in an annoyed tone before gasping and continuing, "oh wait... there he is... Lee Chris... or as his fans like to call him... Lee, the smasher, Chris", Emma gasps as she sees Chris. "HES 30??!?!?!", Emma asked before panicking. I keep asking what's wrong but she keeps stuttering and looking everywhere besides me. All of a sudden, Emma hands Alyssa the painting I made for her and told her to bring it home. She then turns to the rest of the boys and says, "Don't let Taehyung past you guys... I will be okay... please, I'm begging you", as soon as she finishes, Chris spots her and says, "Emma?". "Emma do you know him?", Namjoon asks, "yeah... that's... my boyfriend". What. The. Hell? WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. HELL?!?!? Chris starts to yell at MY Emma, "what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? why the FUCK ARE YOU WITH SO MANY GUYS? And WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING? DO YOU GO HERE NOW?" Emma drops her head and I can already feel the guys start to restrain me. If they didn't I would probably already be at his throat. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW AND ANSWER ME", he says as Emma follows his orders. I'm trying to fight through these 7 guys but geez they're strong. Emma and Chris start arguing but I can't tell what they're saying. The rest of the baseball team are already on the field. After about 2 minutes of fighting, Chris screams, "GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW, BITCH", "HELL NO GET OFF OF HER" I try to yell but Jungkooks hand is covering my mouth. I try to fight through the boys one last time and I finally manage to break free, but they're already gone. They drove off. I start to panic.... I turn to the guys and say, "DONT YOU SEE? ITS HIM. HES THE PROBLEM. HES THE REASON SHE GOES MISSING EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE AND COMES BACK ALL MESSED UP, AND YOU LET HIM GET AWAY?", I ran off and asked the baseball team where he lived, they said they didn't know. Jungkook walked Alyssa back home and Hoseok walked Holly back home. The rest of the boys and I got in our car and started driving around campus looking for his car. It was nowhere to be seen. I was getting so frustrated and I wouldn't reply to anyone. We went back home and all sat on the couch in silence.

Hoseok came back and said that Alyssa was a little scared so Jungkook is going to stay with her until Emma gets back. Namjoon stays with me while the rest of the guys head into the kitchen to make dinner. "Taehyung, if you're right, we have more things to deal with than you realize. First, we'll have to get her back. Then, we'll have to get her to open up which is going to be really hard for her. Then if you're right, we have to make it stop. If we get him arrested, he might come back mad and we'll have to deal with this all over again. Taehyung we are with you on whatever you decide to do. But you need to think about if this is something you want to get into", without any hesitation I said, "yes, I love her, I always will, I will protect her, always", I started to tear up and Namjoon pulled me into a hug. "She usually comes back in a couple of days so we'll keep looking until Friday and if we still can't find her we can send the police, okay?", I nodded and headed upstairs to my bedroom.

Jungkook, Jimin, and I share this room, Namjoon and Jin share one, and Hoseok and Yoongi share another. I grabbed some of my stuff and brought it over to the couch. We have a huge couch and even if I use part of it as a bed, there is still enough room for the rest of the members to sit comfortably. Jin kept asking me if I wanted dinner and I told him I wasn't hungry. We all watched some TV together and Jimin was laying with me practically spooning me until it was time to go to sleep. The boys all headed upstairs and I stayed on the couch. I kept the curtain open so I could see the moon and the stars. Every once in a while I would sit up to look at the street and all of the houses wondering if Emma was in one of them right now. I didn't sleep at all.

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