Chapter 3- first day of class

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Emma's P.O.V.

Today I wake up surprisingly easily. It usually takes me a while to get out of bed for school but that was when I had nobody there to get up for. I'm feeling good today. First impressions say a whole lot about a person so I try to make myself look as presentable as possible.

After walking out the door I realized I was going to be really early so I stopped by the cafeteria for a fruit salad and an iced coffee. I'm a huge coffee drinker and iced coffee is my favorite. It's what gets me through the day.

After I finish off my fruit I take my iced coffee and head over to my general arts class. I know the boys from yesterday are going to be in my class but I'm trying not to think about it. If this 'Taehyung' is in my class, it's going to be awkward. But those other guys seem really cool. Ugh. I keep bumping into things. I'm getting too nervous about this and I keep getting distracted.

I finally reach the door and take a deep breath before heading inside. When I open the door, I hear a huge roar of students all chatting about their summer, gossip and random things. The room is huge and it's filled with about 10 big circular tables that seat 5 people each. Next to the very first table I see, I notice Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok standing around the next table. I walk next to them as if I'm trying to find a seat somewhere else and I suddenly hear all 6 boys that I met yesterday calling my name. They gesture for me to come over and sit with them. I turn around and Jin asks me, "hey do you have anyone else to sit with?", I start to slowly make my way over and say, "no not really... again I'm new", before slightly giggling. They all invite me to sit with them and when I walk over I see Jungkook, and that prince who I'm assuming is Taehyung, and that freshman girl Jungkook was talking to, they were sitting at their own table and talking to the others. As I reach the table I see Taehyung stand up and smirk before saying, "so you're the famous Emma they've been telling me about. I'm Taehyung", I smile and say hi to him before looking at the others and ask, "so you guys have been talking about me?", the boys start to look flustered while Taehyung just smiles and laughs. Why is he so beautiful. His laugh too? Is it everything? Is everything about him perfect? Before the boys answer, the freshman girl hops off the desk and slightly bows her head before saying, "Hi, my name is Alyssa, I guess I forgot to tell you yesterday", Ahh a western name. Alyssa was also white. She looked a bit darker and I'm guessing she's a very small percentage of Hispanic. She's cute. She also seems a bit hyper, she'll definitely fit in with this group of boys. We started talking and I found out that she did actually come from America. Her parents visited one day and fell in love with the country, then she moved here as a baby with her parents, her sister, her 4 dogs, and her cat.

After that conversation, the teacher came in and told us to take our seats. "Hey Emma...", Taehyung started as he grabbed onto my shoulder when I tried to leave, "come sit with us, we have an empty seat", he continued with a warm smile. How does he do that? How does he, first of all, make his smile rectangular, and second, how does he put you in a trace with his smile. After a second I snapped out of it and realized that I should probably answer. I thanked him and headed to one of the 2 spots available. At our table was Taehyung, Jungkook, and Alyssa. Everyone else was sitting at the table next to us. As I said these tables only seat 5. I'm one seat away from Taehyung, next to him is Jungkook, and between Jungkook and I is Alyssa.

"Do I have everyone's returning artwork? Photos must be printed or sent to my email. Paintings, drawings and other 2D arts must be on an easel at the front of the class with a cover over it... is everyone ready? After we show all of the returning artwork I will talk about how the class will be for the rest of the year then I will dismiss you guys a bit early, does everyone understand?", after she speaks, all of the students in unison said, "Yes, Professor Kim". She seems a bit scary but she's actually quite cute. It does seem a bit weird though that she looks Korean and has a western first name, Jennie. She starts off at the front of the classroom and works her way to the back. I'm seated all the way in the back so it takes a while to get to the boys. I've seen wedding pictures, engagement photos, newborn baby pictures, paintings of roses, the sun, all kinds of things that represent happiness.

After about 20 people, the boys were finally up. Namjoon and Jin 'worked together' on an assignment. They baked cookies using an old family recipe. They then recreated the photo of Jin's grandmother and grandfather making them. Yoongi painted a picture of the sun since the warmth makes him feel better. While Hoseok painted a picture of the moon and stars since that's what he likes to look at to make him feel better. Wow. The accuracy. Jungkook sent a picture of him dancing and said that when he's dancing is when he's the happiest. However when he sat back down, he clarified with his friends that when he's with them is when he's truly most happy. Next up was Jimin. Obviously he sent in the pictures of me with the puppies. So the entire class saw me on the screen holding a bunch of puppies. I heard Taehyung say, "awwww how cute", then he turned around to see if I heard. I acted like I didn't. When Jimin was walking back to his seat, Taehyung stood up and whispered something in his ear before walking up to the front to show off his artwork. He lifted the sheet to reveal a beautiful painting of a princess. But... why did she look almost exactly like me? She had pale white skin, thin and vibrant green eyes, medium length brown hair, she even had my uneven eyebrows. She had a lot of blue accents around her. She had a lot of blue birds, one on either side of her, then a few other ones in the distance. But most importantly, she had a blue tiara. Blue just so happens to be my favorite color. Blue jays are my favorite bird, because of their color and because I can copy the sound they make very easily. Taehyung looked so proud in his artwork. Everyone clapped for him and he stood there smiling very proudly before we made eye contact. He kept glancing at his painting then back at me. I started giggling which made him smirk.

After Taehyung sat back down, the teacher explained the whole class and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, in my head, I was day dreaming about Taehyung.

The professor let us out early so the boys asked if I wanted to hang out with them. I had to decline and explained that I have 2 more classes today then I still have plans after that. Which was true. I got a text a few minutes ago from my boyfriend saying he wanted me to come visit him tonight. I promised that next time I would gladly go with them. Ugh. They don't know how much I want to go with them.

I make it through my day. My classes today were pretty easy. After the last one, I went back to my dorm to change and headed over to my boyfriends house. I hope I get to sleep in my new bed soon.

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