Chapter 11- back to class

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Alyssa's P.O.V.

Emma was dressed in her school uniform with black leggings under her skirt and dark sunglasses on. She wanted me to walk with her to art class. She would barely speak and when she did, it was quiet. We stopped at the cafeteria so I could get a chocolate milk and so Emma could get a hot coffee. She usually gets an iced coffee, when I asked why she changed her coffee order, she simply said, "hot coffee soothes my headaches", before she started walking ahead of me. I follow behind her and we soon reach the art classroom.

Taehyungs P.O.V.

I wake up 15 minutes late so I rush putting on my uniform and don't even bother with breakfast. I feel bad for rushing everyone else out the door too but I need to see Emma and know she's okay.

After running to class, I see that I'm still 5 minutes early so I sit in my chair backward so I can face the door. I sit in silence watching the door while everyone around me is talking. Every time the door opens I pop my head up and set it back down when I see that it's not Emma.

After about 4 minutes went by, Emma finally walked in wearing black leggings under her skirt and dark sunglasses. Alyssa came in one step behind her and was silently telling us not to say anything. "Hey guys what's up", Alyssa says to the boys as they finally realize that they came in. By this point I'm standing up and just staring at Emma. I pull her chair out for her to sit down and she quietly thanks me before scooting her chair in a bit more. "We stopped to grab drinks and I didn't think to ask if you guys wanted anything until we were almost here", Alyssa says as she also sits down. "Oh that's alright", Namjoon days before Jin adds, "Yeah we were in a rush this morning because someone wanted to get here early", putting the emphasis on someone and glancing over to me. Emma's looking down at the table and I hope she doesn't know he's talking about me. Is it obvious that I like her? I hope she doesn't know.

I try getting her to talk for the rest of class but she really only gives me short quiet answers. I haven't heard her laugh all day, at things she usually laughs at, all she does is smile. I love her smile but her laugh is so adorable and I haven't heard it since Friday. Well technically I have but that's just in the video Jimin sent me. While he was doing the photo shoot of Emma, he accidentally recorded the whole thing along with taking the pictures. I kept replaying the video all weekend, I know it kind of sounds creepy but she's my friend and I missed her. Also where the fuck are her eyes. I don't usually swear but I literally found my new favorite color, Emma's eyes. Well my favorite color has always been green but now my favorite color is "Emma green".

After our very quiet class period, I didn't see Emma for the rest of the day, tomorrow I have 2 classes with her and I hope she's feeling better. It's killing me not knowing what's going on with her...

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