Chapter 32

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You play with your pen between your fingers irritated at yourself.

This was your last class for today and you just happened to notice that your notebook was missing. You were so mad that you didn't noticed earlier but even more mad about the fact that you lost it. How could you be so clumsy and lose it. You have all the notes of this subject there.

If you don't find it you are definitely screwed as you have to get someone's else notes which wasn't that easy or make yours again from the beginning. Like you didn't have enough worries on your head, you had to go and mess up more. Jeez.

"Y/N, stop that." Sira that was seating beside you, told you and you quickly stopped playing with your pen that without you noticing was actually hitting the desk rhythmically creating an irritated noise.

"Sorry." You put your pen down, intertwining your fingers in an attempt to make yourself stay still then you looked ahead trying to pay attention at the remaining lesson.

Your phone that buzzed on your pocket was what made you fail to refocus on the lesson and you carefully took it out to see who was it that had send you a message.


You opened his message in wonder of why was he texting you and the words you saw being displayed on your screen made you feel relieved.

-I found a blue notebook on my couch. Is it yours?

You couldn't believe that you found it. You were so happy that at least you hadn't lost it at some random place where you couldn't never find it again. However you don't remember opening your bag while you were at his house and thus how was it possible that it slipped out of your bag? You wondered.

-Yes, i was looking for it. Thank you for finding it.

You replied to him making a mental note to ask him about how he found it as you really were perplexed, being sure that you hadn't gotten your notebook out of your bag while in his house.

-Can you bring it to me today?

-Come and get it yourself.

-Agh, fine. Where do you want to meet up?

-My house, around 22:30. I don't have time before that.

His response made you even more suspicious about his intentions. Was he trying to pull something again?

You hesitated to answer for a moment but you needed that notebook.

-Can't you just bring it over with you tomorrow when you come to university?

-Look! If you want it, come and get it by tonight or else I am gonna burn it.

-Take it or leave it.

You thought to yourself while putting the phone back in your pocket.

You focused your vision on your professor and froze when you noticed him staring at you.

Jimin was talking about the lesson pacing back and forth, his eyes falling on your figure multiple times making you feel nervous as he normally when in class would not even spare you a glance and if he would it would be a professional cold gaze but this one for some reason was different.

Hush //Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now