Chapter 33

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Taehyung opened his eyes slowly waking up to a new morning.

He stared at his ceiling for a while feeling his head still a little heavy. As he tried to move his hand and reach to his forehead though he happened to notice your laying figure that was sleeping soundly on the floor besides his bed.

In his forehead a piece of cloth that was now warm as his body temperature had heat it up. The same cloth that you had been refreshing constantly all night in an attempt to make his temperature fall.

"Y/N." He called your name and you literally flew on a seating position immediately as you were having a very alerted sleep so you could take care of his condition.

"What?! Where?! Oh. You are awake." You told him gathering yourself a little from the sudden wake up that placed a smile on his face.

"You are so crazy in the mornings. I love it." He commented while he placed the cloth on his commode.

"Yah, i am not always like this. I was just surprised that's all." You tried to make up an excuse even though you had had worse wake ups than this.

"Your hair looks like a lions fur." He added making you quickly try to adjust your messed up hair.

"Since you are in a mood for jokes i suppose you are feeling better. That's a relief." You told him while he removed his blankets and stood up from his bed.

"I am thanks to you. I own you one." Taehyung placed his hand on your head as he spoke, ruffling softly what you had tried to fix a minute ago.

"You don't. We are even since i owned you for that time in the Cafe." You told him reminding him that he unfortunately had just lost the chance to ask a favor for you in return of that day.

"Ahh, damn i had forgotten about that one. Now i have to save you again to make you kiss me whenever i want to." His words made your eyes go wide as you watched his back that was turned your way since he was roaming inside his closet.

"If that's the case then next time let me be, don't try to save me." You respond and a small giggle follow by him.

"Is it that bad kissing me that you would rather not have my help at all? What if it was a life or death case. Would you still choose to let you be.?"He asked now turning around to face you with some clothes hanging on his right arm.

" You are asking me as if you would ever do what I ask you to. You are a stubborn little troublemaker. We both know that. "Your response pleased him once again, a smirk growing across his face.

" You already know me well enough i see. "He commented while approaching you and passing by you heading towards the door.

" I am going to take a shower. Don't go anywhere. We will go to university together. "He said before his figure disappeared from your sight leaving you behind, wondering once again for his character.

I will never understand this man.

You thought as you turned around and gave a quick look at the room, deciding to clean up the mess you might have made yesterday till he finishes his shower and so you did.

You fixed his bed and took the dust off the furniture around his room, taking a break and admiring the small photo of the two young kids which you were sure that was him and Jimin when they were little.

For some reason that picture frame was the only thing that was more clean than anything else in that room as if he touched it and cleaned it up frequently.

You then had continued cleaning the floor in a time record since he was nowhere to be seen yet.

You stepped downstairs heading to the kitchen, glancing once at the clock on the wall and deciding that you had plenty of time to prepare breakfast and then leave for university.

It didn't took long for the kitchen to be filled with smells as you made to quick omelets and placed them on the kitchen counter just as Taehyung entered the kitchen.

"Wow. I think you are aiming for my heart now? This smells delicious." He said rushing to take a seat while looking at his plate with heart eyes.

As he was about to take his first bite the door bell rung making you both turn your attention towards the door.

" Who can it be? "He questioned as he stood up to go get the door and you stayed still thinking that it may be his mother again as she was yesterday.

She had rung the bell many times but you decided to not open up since this wasn't your house and as thus you had no right to put anyone in just like that but you didn't open it also because you were supposed to be Jimin's girlfriend in her eyes so how exactly were you to explain what were you doing at that late hour of night at his brother's house.

"Good morning" You heard her voice as she entered, pacing by a surprised by seeing her, Taehyung.

Taehyung closed the door behind her and followed her inside on his face a totally serious to pissed off expression from what you managed to see from the small corner of the kitchen where you had hide yourself and you were peeking from.

"What are you doing here mother?" He asked her, his voice cold but he tried to smile non the less.

"Am I not allowed to visit my son?" She responded while she took of her black gloves that had wore and placed them on the table near her bag.

"Without father, i suppose that it's just awkward for you to do so." He told her placing his hands on the pocket of his black jeans that was wearing.

"Is it because this is the first time that we are left alone after that day?" She asked making him stiff instantly at the mentioning of the day that his life changed.

"Are you perhaps going to throw yourself at me again this time?" Her words left you with your mouth hanging up and with much interest of how this conversation will unfold.

"I did not do that. You just claimed that.. Mother." Taehyung responded, his one hand having slipped out of his pocket unconsciously and having moved forward before retrieving itself and clenching his fingers to form a fist.

"Oh, right. You were the one that said you wanted me though. That you were in love with me. That you were suffering because you couldn't have me." She kept talking as she approached him more, her hand coming in contact with Taehyung's chest, an action that gave him goosebumps.

" Have your feelings changed yet or do you still want me, Taehyung? "She whispered near his ear, his expression changing into a hurtful one.

He stayed silent as he couldn't really answer her and she laughed as she pulled away and met his eyes again.

" Cause if you want me.. You can have me today. "She added, Taehyung's eyes going wide as yours did watching all this situation that didn't seem to be going well.

---To be continued.....

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