Chapter 64

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Jimin smiled as you seemed to have frozen looking at him with widen eyes.

"Will you keep me here or?" He asked, his hands softly patting off some of the snow that had fallen on his hair.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. Come in please." You snapped out of your daze and made some way for him to enter, him doing so and you closing the door behind him.

"Where is the lady of the house? I brought this for her. First time on her house after all." He said as he took of his shoes, making you notice the bag that he was carrying on his left hand.

"I am here. It's an honor to have you with us Professor Park." Sira appeared behind you, with a smile giving him her welcome to her house.

"I am out of work so just Jimin." He straightened his posture while saying so the bowed slightly before speaking again.

"This is for you. I wish you a good recovery and merry Christmas." He handed her the bag and she took it, responding to his kind gesture with a thank you while you were admiring to how proper his behavior can get.

He seemed from the guys you could take home to introduce him to your parents and they would be more than pleased with him from the very start.

"Please come inside. Take a seat." You urged him kindly and Sira walking before him, taking him to the living room.

Jungkook and Taehyung that were having a simple chat till that moment, stood up at his entry. On Taehyung's eyes already visible the surprise that Jimin's presence had caused.

"This is Jeon Jungkook. My roommate." You introduced him making Jimin's eyes shift from his brother's to him, his surprise expression instantly disappearing, a cold one taking over it instead.

"Jeon? The famous Jeon Family?" Jimin's question made Jungkook kinda froze from an instant, making you wonder about the reason.

"No, of course not. Nice to me you." Jungkook responded, a friendly smile appearing on his lips as he reached his hand out to him for a hand shake.

Jimin gazed at his hand for a moment, creating a weird atmosphere on the room, then he slightly bowed his head, making Jungkook retrieve his hand and bow back, inwardly cursing inside that he gave himself away to him with that gesture.

Foreigners use handshakes as the first thing to greet someone so him doing that meant that he must have lived out of the country or have been in contact with foreigners too much or on Jungkook's case, raised by a foreign babysitter.

"It nice meeting you too. I wish you a merry Christmas." Jimin said, now a kind smile on his lips that perplexed you.

"So you had nothing better to do for Christmas than  come bother your slave huh?" Taehyung interfered nonchalantly, his head having tilted to the side as a smirk was veiling over his lips.

"I am invited, sorry to ruin your enjoyment brother." Jimin retorted back before taking a seat at the couch, crossing his legs as he unbutton his his coat that soon took off and left it next to him, being left only with his jacket.

Taehyung sat where he was, next to Jungkook whom was already feeling that something was off with the too from the intense stares that were giving to each other.

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