Chapter 101

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You were standing before your commode, gazing expressionless at the diploma before your eyes that you had took today. It had been three months since the day you broke up with Jimin, three months that you focused on studying and on making your thesis.

Three months that he have been avoi giving you frequent calls that at the beginning wouldn't stop but after some weeks he stopped calling and stopped coming over making jungkook feel better that he didn't have to lie to him every time he would open the door and tell him that you weren't home.

You had told him and Sira that night that you wanted distance from everyone so they should help you, and that day you had gave up your phone to them so nothing could distract you. You didn't even stepped foot outside of your room, making Jungkook or Sira to bring you food over or anything that you might have needed.

You had convinced yourself that it was over between you and him and that he probably was happy with her, but today on your graduation, you saw him and he didn't stop looking your way.

You tried so hard to ignore him and focus on this happy moment of yours but it was hard not to steal glances towards him, as you had truly missed him. But you didn't know that he had called you so many times nor that he had tried so much to see you after that night. You knew non of that till an hour ago that the deal with Jungkook was over and he handed you over your phone, together with the information that he had visited so many times and he had send him away.

You were happy today as you have waited for this day to come for a long time and Taehyung was throwing a big party to celebrate it, having invited you and Sira of course, even Jungkook and his now girlfriend Areum. You were supposed to be packing up right this moment, since his party was going to be held in Busan and would go on for the whole week as freedom was supposed to be celebrated well, according to him. He wasn't wrong and after so much studying and this stressful period you went through, you definitely needed this but all you could think about once more was Jimin.

Why had he called so many times? Why had he come over so many times? Was he okay? You couldn't help but worry and feel a bit guilty for the abrupt distance that you put between you and the world.

However no one could judge you for doing so because you really needed it. You might have never said it out loud but you were broken and needed time with yourself, time to heal and try to return your feelings back to how it was supposed to be when it comes to him. Did it work? If someone was to ask that the answer would be only one. No. And that made you feel even worse because apparently you had fallen more than you had ever imagined and moving on seemed still far from reach.

"Y/N, seriously what are you doing. Hurry up girl!" Sira burst in your room, quickly going towards your bed where you had left your suitcase open, having put only some clothes inside.

She started grabbing clothes from your wardrobe and putting them in and you only smiled while looking at her and all the continues support she had gave you all this time. Even though you had pushed her out too, she never pushed you about anything and respected your needs and kept supporting you with every way she could. By bringing you meals and filling your empty fridge, leaving sticky notes on your door with cheerful words or tell Jungkook to do so whenever she was unable to come over.

She had took off her plaster and her arm was now free and you were sad about the fact that you weren't there with her when that happened but she said that Taehyung took good care of her and after that day, him and Jimin had been going to Busan every weekend visiting their father and Taehyung had started smiling more truly now. She had said that she had never been so happy seeing him opening up truly and that had helped their relationship to grow closer and stronger.

".. It's gonna be great! We will have so much fun. Finally~vacations!" She cheered as she smashed the suitcase close, her jumping on it in order to close it, making you laugh.

Hush //Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now