Chapter 53

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"What happened to you? How?! When?! Who dared?!!" Taehyung went off after he retrieved himself from the hug he was gifting to Sira.

"Okay. Take the questions more slowly please. I will explain." She giggled at his worried behavior, while pulling his hand to sit back down at the edge of the bed.

"It was an accident. I got distracted and i passed a red light." She explained, her eyes drifting away from his as she felt burdened by his stare, that was quite serious.

"The heck were you thinking!! Yah! You are not a kid! You should be more careful! You could have -. Aish!" He stormed off at her, standing up again,his frustration visible through his body language, as he was pacing up and down, ruffling his hair aggressively.

"I am sorry." She apologized, lowering her head, as she started feeling bad.

Silence fell for a moment, Taehyung looking at her and feeling bad himself for yelling at her and making her feel apologetic. So he sat back down at the edge of the bed and without looking at her, placed his hand over hers.

"Don't apologize. I didn't mean to yell at you or blame you. I just.." Taehyung tried to explain himself but at that moment, after realizing what he was about to say, he halted his tongue, in surprise of his thoughts.

I just.. got scared of losing you

"Let's not talk about it anymore okay. I am fine after all. Also.. I called you for another reason." Sira looked up at him, feeling her heart beating faster against her chest nervous about the words that she wanted to confess to him.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked her, finally making eye contact with her, while his hand took a gentle hold of hers.

"I know it may sound silly and you are probably going to laugh at me but.." She stopped, feeling a lump growing in her throat.

"When i got hit by that car. At those mere seconds, i thought everything was over. And while at the hospital, i couldn't help but think that my life could end at any minute. Yours too. Or anyone's. And at that moment i realized that.. I wanted to give it a try. "She spoke as calmly as she could, remembering her feelings and the scary thoughts of death that had penetrated her heart at that moment.

" I don't understand. "He simply told her, looking at her with his puzzled gaze.

" I know you were pretty clear that night. I know that i don't have a chance with you. I know that you don't want me to have any hopes but I realized that I really want to try. I want to try and create a chance to be with you. So, i decided to let you know. "Sira spoke confidently to Taehyung's surprise, making him stare at her blankly, not believing that any girl would have the courage to pursue him so openly.

" I am gonna try my best to win your heart Taehyung. Just wait and you will see!"She smiled brightly, her arms folding upon her chest as her chin rise confidently, placing a smile initially on his lips, before he broke to a fit of laughter.

Sira stayed silent observing him laugh, feeling at the edge of crying at his reaction, even though she had thought of the possibility of him making fun of her feelings.

"You don't have to laugh that hard you know. A simple 'You are delusional' or 'Keep dreaming' would have been enough" She told him, pouting, as her eyes turned to look down at the blanket that was covering her lap.

"If i had said any of that,would you have given up?" His deep voice reached her ears, a serious tone having replaced his laughter.

"No." She responded in all honesty as she had thought this through many times. She wasn't asking much, just for him to let her try, and if they weren't meant to work out then she would back away. She wanted him to be happy after all but at the same time, she wanted to be true towards herself and be able to not regret anything in her life. And not pursuing him was something she surely would regret.

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