Chapter 66

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The night had went by better than you had imagined, eating, laughing, with small conversations and comments over the movie you were currently watching.

Taehyung had sat next to Sira, his head having rest on her shoulder at some point and his hands snagged against her waist cuddling her softly, making her flushed at the beginning but as time went by she got used to it and focused on the movie and his laugh that couldn't stop from her comments.

Jungkook, you and Jimin couldn't help but laugh too at the couple that sure were a good entertaining duo and to your pleasure, it seemed like Sira waa able to bring out of Taehyung his happy and carefree side. Not the pretending one that he always keeps but a real sincere happy attitude.

Jimin had noticed that too, and that might have been the reason why he before leaving from her house, told her that she should look forward to one more present from him if she was to make his brother smile like that more often.

At that moment it was only you, jimin and Jungkook at the corridor as Sira was escorting you out, Taehyung having remained on the living room as he had decided to stay a little longer at Sira's house.

You hugged her and bit her good night as the two guys stepped outside, giving your friend a smirk once pulling out of the hug.

"Oh shut up. We are just going to talk!"She said hitting your arm as she understood immediately what you were thinking and you laughed as she closed the door, smiling too.

" Hurry up Y/N, it's freezing cold. "Jungkook's voice reached your ears once you stepped, your eyes soon finding him standing next to his car, in which you had come with together.

You approached him with quick steps till you saw Jimin besides his car, probably waiting for you to go greet him.

"Get inside Jungkook. I will be back in a moment." You told him before rushing towards to Jimin, soon standing before him, your footsteps having left footprints on the fresh snow that had fallen.

It wasn't too much, just enough to cover the ground and make everything look so bright even though the time was almost two in the morning.

"Thank you for coming Professor. It was nice having you." You told him with a polite smile and he just looked at you for a moment, before surprising you with his action.

In a blink of an eye you were in his embrace, his hands around your shoulders, before a small pat followed your back then pulled back.

" To formal of a greeting Y/N. I am out of duty. I am just Jimin." He responded and you blinked a few times before nodding, at a loss for words.

"Do you have plans for new years?"

"I will go home. I am leaving tomorrow evening." You responded and somehow it looked like his expression fell by the news.

"Okay. I wish you have a good time then. See you when you get back." He said then smiled, his car keys making a sound as he messed them on his palm, walking to his driver's seat.

He got inside and turned on the engine, then waved at you before disappearing into the night and you just turned around, heading back to Jungkook's car.

Jimin kept driving steadily on the road, as he felt like bursting inside. He didn't know what it was but he felt so positive at this moment that he couldn't help smiling, he couldn't help opening his window and let the cold wind get inside his car and turn up the music, letting the sound get out.

He focused on the lyrics of the song, soon singing along to the random song that had popped on his radio, his mind traveling around tonight, traveling around you.

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