Chapter 69

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You and Jimin reached at the bus stop and you were about to sit on the stool to wait for it, when you noticed that the stool was actually unclean.

"Oh great, we can't even sit while waiting." You wined before reaching your hands to lower a little more the beanie you were wearing on your head, to keep your ears warm.

"We can ask on that kiosk to lend us so carton to seat on it. Wait here." Jimin walked over to the kiosk that was at a close distance away from the bus station and you just waited for him to return, moving here and there as you were taking notice of the low temperature that seemed to have dropped drastically from the moment you were walking back home.

You were breathing normally from your nose and you could still see the steam your breaths were creating.

You glanced over at Jimin as you saw him approaching a carton on his left hand and a happy smile on his face, probably because he got it.

"Here." He said once near you, turning around and placing the carton over the stool before taking his seat.

"Where is mine?" You asked him as the carton had space only for one person to sit on.

"Oh you wanted one too? Sorry, i took only one. Go ask for another one if you want." He responded and you gave him a glare finding his behavior rude.

"And here i believed that gentlemen still do exist." You commented as you turn away, noticing a smirk on his lips from the corner of your eyes.

"Excuse me, can I have a piece of carton too'please?" You politely asked the man that was in the kiosk, your eyes already seeing the many carton boxes he had laying at the side of the kiosk.

"I am sorry, we don't have any." The man responded, his facial expression clearly showing that you weren't pretty welcomed.

"Am, i will pay for it if that's the prob-"

"I said we don't have any! Now please leave!" He snapped at you, cutting you off and you just backed away thinking about what was wrong with that guy.

"So? How did it go?" Jimin asked you as he saw you approaching, a mischievous smile on his lips that instantly made you suspicious.

"What did you do?" You asked him, now standing right in front of him and he looked up to you with a smile.

"He was a grumpy one but i managed somehow, i swear i didn't do anything else." He told you, biting a little at his inner lip as he was trying hard to not laugh, knowing well that he was lying because he had actually paid the man to tell you off and not give you anything.

" Really? That guy has issues then. "You believed his words and just threw your eyes at the direction that the bus was supposed to come from but till now it wasn't in sight.

" Are you gonna stand up like this waiting? "You heard his voice that made you look past your shoulder as you gave him a response.

" What else am I supposed to do? There is no where i can sit. "You told him and he shook his head at your words indicating that he wasn't agreeing with you.

" You can sit right here. "He said patting his legs lightly, indicating that you could sit on his lap, thing that made your eyes go wide.

"W-What?!N-No thanks, i am good." You quickly declined as you turned to look away from him, your heart beat now increasing at the image of you actually doing that.

Oh my God! Get out of my head!

You scolded yourself, trying to shake away that image and turn off your imagination which in times like this wasn't much appreciated by you.

You suddenly felt two hands grabbing your waist and pulling you, soon finding yourself sitting on Jimin's right thigh and him keeping his arms around your belly.

His touch had gave you goosebumps even over so many layers of clothes that you were wearing as you just looked at his eyes, displaying the shock that his unexpected action had caused you.

"It's not awkward, if you don't make it awkward." He said before taking his eyes away from your together with his hands that pulled to his side.

You stayed in silence for a while, you clearly nervous at the situation you were in, your heart beating fast almost getting out of your chest, while he seemed pretty nonchalant, observing the cars that were passing by with speed.

"My ears are cold. I hope the bus comes soon." He spoke after a while, his hands reaching to his ears to cover them a little and so did yours out of reflex once he stated that he was cold, making your hands come in contact with each other's , while both sheltering his ears.

" You should have worn a hoody or something instead of going around like that in the cold, only so you can show of your hair styled up, looking like a handsome God." You commented, your intentions mostly wanting to scold him and tease him for trying to show off while in such a freezing weather.

" So you think i look like a handsome God?"Jimin asked, his eyes looking at you with a playful gaze that made you gulp your own saliva down with difficulty, just now realizing what compliment you had let him hear.

" Stop flattering yourself. "You hit his shoulder lightly as you took your hands away and took your beanie of your head, placing it on his head.

" You will get cold yourself Y/N. "He told you as he tried to not accept your beanie and to take it off, but you slapped his hands away, fixing it well on his head, till it covered his ears well enough.

" I have long hair, i will be okay. " You reassured him before pulling your hands away from him and placing them back on the pocket of your coat, still seated on his thigh that had now become a quit comfortable seat.

"I will protect your ears." You heard him say, before he grabbed your face in between his hands and made you face him, his hands covering your ears protectively as he smiled at you taking your breath away.

The close proximity of your faces and that smile was more than enough to make your heart go wild again and for your imagination to follow, your gaze dropping from his eyes to his lips, that you felt as they were suddenly calling you to lean closer to them.

And you were almost about to do so, if it wasn't for the bus arriving and pulling you out of that enchantment and into your feet, quickly getting inside, not daring to look back at him.

Oh my God~~I was almost about to kiss him ~. What is wrong with me! Get yourself together damn it!

You freaked out on your head feeling quite embarrassed of yourself and at the same time wishing that he hadn't notice.

And Jimin actually hadn't, because he was currently occupied over his own troubled thoughts and the nervous feeling that was eating him inside.
Questioning his self why was it that at that moment all he could see and think was you and all he could feel was a warmth spreading on his body despite the low temperature.

---To be continued...

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