chapter 5

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I was finally back home and laying in my own bed as I watched the rain falling outside my bedroom window, I remembered that day me and Wyatt got caught in the rain while I was in Paris, I felt a smile slowly creep across my face when I thought about what that little old lady said but I wasn't looking for love right now because of my career and the thought of even having a long distance scared me because that kind of love was always hard on anyone in a relationship that lived far apart from each other...the sound of my phone ringing startled me out of my thoughts, Wyatt and myself agreed to be friends and exchanged numbers before we both left Paris and going back to where we belong, I heard a light knock on the door and immediately seen Bridgit walking in my room.

Bridgit: hey Rose, I thought I heard you come in late last night, how was your trip...did you have fun?

Rose: it was better than I expected, I'm just glad that I didn't get to see the Eiffel Tower alone...

Bridgit: aww my little Rose met someone...tell me about this person

Rose: okay since you want to know...we actually met on the plane and one of my bags got mixed up with his so he come to the hotel I was staying in with my bag.

Bridgit: aww that's so sweet of him, I hope you got something to remember him by or at least continue seeing each other again. Speaking of getting something, you mentioned in the note you left something about getting me a souvenir

Rose: We swapped numbers before we left the hotel in Paris and of course I got you a souvenir...its not much but I know how much you always wanted to go see it at night so here you go, I had it framed for you now all you have to do is find a place to put it in your room.

Bridgit: thank you Rose, I love it and about the guy you met, maybe you can bring him over and let me meet him.

Rose: of course just don't embarrass me when he does come over Bridgit.

Bridgit: I promise I won't do that...

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