chapter 13

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I patiently waited for the plane to be boarded as we sat around while we listened for someone to mention our flight to be called, I was so excited about this trip, I made sure I had everything that I needed than heard our flight being called as we quickly walked to the main gate and walked inside the plane then found our seats.

Wyatt: are you having fun yet Rose?

Rose: yeah, how about you?

Wyatt: I'm always having fun

The plane finally took off after waiting thirty minutes or more, I stared out the window and watched the clouds passing by and we arrived at our destination several hours later, we got off the plane and headed to the hotel after grabbing our luggage and ride there.

I placed my things close to the bed before heading onto the balcony that overlooked the city, it was beautiful here and I never wanted to leave.

Wyatt: do you want to get something to eat first or do you want to rest for awhile?

Rose: lets go get a bite to eat, perhaps we should ask about getting a room with two beds while we are downstairs...

Wyatt: don't worry about the bed, it's fine...lets just go get something to eat.

We headed downstairs and outside to explore the city while looking for a place to eat...

Rose: this is very romantic but I thought we were going to go to London.

Wyatt: well I wanted to surprise you by bringing you here...

Rose: well I am surprised...

Wyatt: I thought you deserved a day off Rose you work too hard for someone your age and its not healthy.

Rose: someone my age? I'm only 22 and already seeing the world, I got my dream job and I love every minute of it.

Wyatt: what would your parents think?

Rose: I'm sure one of them is proud of me while the other wouldn't care about me or what I do with my life...what about your parents?

Wyatt: they are both supportive of my decisions even though being far away from them is hard since my job requires me to constantly travel to different countries or states often, they are proud of me.

Rose: your parents sound amazing.

Wyatt: they are...maybe you can meet them soon.

Rose: perhaps I will...

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