chapter 22

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I was heading downstairs and planning on leaving the house to go hang out with my friends when my mom stopped me...

Mom: Tate where are you headed?

Tate: I'm going out don't wait up for me...

Mom: no you aren't, its after 12 at night and I'm no longer allowing you out after it gets dark starting now, you are in enough trouble with the law as it is so you march back upstairs and go to sleep.

Tate: whatever...

Mom: I'm calling your sister tomorrow to come pick you up...I can't deal with you any longer

Tate: you can't do that...what about my friends?!

Mom: they managed fine before you started hanging out with them and they will be fine without you around.

I walked back upstairs and slammed my bedroom door, I couldn't believe she was going to send me off to live my sister...she was probably living on her riches with some jerk boyfriend in a fancy house in California or Vegas...

*the next morning*

I started walking downstairs when I heard my mom talking on the phone, I assumed it was my sister, since she told me that she was going to call her...I walked up behind her and listened to what she was saying.

Mom: Rose I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important but I can't keep him out of trouble any longer, he sneaks out when I turn my back and stays in trouble with the law...could you please come get him...okay I will tell him thank you Rose.

I walked by her and pretended not to hear what she just said on the phone.

Mom: Tate go pack all of your clothes, your sister is coming to get you and you will be living from her from now on.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed upstairs and pack everything I owned in the few duffle bags I owned...

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