chapter 12

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That night after the wedding, me and Alice had become close friends, which was great. She told me that Chase come clean to the band and to Bridgit about what he did to me which surprised me but I wasn't concerned about it anymore cause it was in the past and I had forgiven Chase for it even if he didn't know it, I was sitting around outside talking with Alice when I seen Jack walk up behind her.

Jack: hey babe, I have something to show you let's go inside...

Alice: okay...I will be right back Rose don't go anywhere

I watched them walk inside then seen Wyatt walk towards me.

Wyatt: hey Rose can we talk?

Rose: sure we can talk but can we go somewhere else?

Wyatt: sure we can do that...

I walked inside to let Alice know that I was leaving before me and Wyatt went some place private to talk alone.

I parked my car after finding a quiet place to talk alone with Wyatt...

Rose: so what did you want to talk about?

Wyatt: well I just wanted to apologize for the night I left you and that I was wrong for the way I acted and I--

Rose: you don't have to apologize for the way you feel Wyatt...I'm just not looking to get into a relationship yet because of all the traveling that I do, I have seen what a long distance relationship can do to someone and I don't want that for you, me or anyone.

Wyatt: I was wrong for staying distant for those three months we didn't speak, I thought you would be mad at me for the way I acted...

Rose: don't be ridiculous Wyatt, I was never mad at you... I was worried about you those three months we didn't talk so I asked Alice if her or Jack had heard anything from you and was a bit upset when they both said no.

Wyatt: that would explain a lot...

Rose: what are you talking about?

Wyatt: well Jack showed up at my house with food before me and him went back to his house...

Rose: he did? That's nice of him...

Wyatt: yeah he is a good person...

Rose: yeah he is...

He got quiet for a second before looking back at me...

Rose: what's on your mind?

Wyatt: nothing its silly....

Rose: tell me please...

Wyatt: well I was thinking what if me and you went to London...

Rose: I would love too Wyatt...

Wyatt: that's I thought we could leave tomorrow if you weren't busy.

Rose: no I won't be busy, so where should we go from here...your place or mine?

Wyatt: well if we are going to leave tomorrow I think we should get some rest...

Rose: you're right, lets get you home than...

I crunk the car up and started to drive to his house while he told me how to get there...I watched as he was beginning to get out of the car but sat back down and looked at me before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Wyatt: good night Rose, I will see you tomorrow and be sure to pack something warm when you get home.

Rose: thanks for letting me know, I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight Wyatt.

I watched as he walked inside his house before I drove back home.

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