chapter 15

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The morning came quick as I carefully got out of bed trying not to wake up Rose as she slept peacefully, I thought back to last night as she cuddled close to me after she fell asleep...she looked like an angel, I wanted so badly to tell her how I felt but I didn't want to drive her away...I knew she would eventually let me know when she was ready. I pushed a pillow under her arm and watched as she pulled it close to her causing some of her hair to fall in her face, I gently pushed it behind her ear so I wouldn't wake her up...I got dressed and headed out to get us both some breakfast...


I woke up remembering Wyatt gently putting me to sleep as he gently ran his fingers through my hair, I looked around the room and didn't see him anywhere so I decided to get a quick shower before he returned from wherever he went...


On my way to the hotel from getting breakfast I noticed a small puppy following me, I stopped and knelt down and watched the small animal walk over to me and lay down, I noticed that it was thin so I decided to take it with me after I found out that it didn't belong to anyone...after I got back up to the room I noticed that Rose wasn't in the bed so I placed our food on the table and tried to hide the puppy from her, I thought a dog would be good for her since she lived alone or would be a good travel companion...I watched as she walked out of the bathroom and I walked in and begun giving the dog a bath since he was dirty, I dried him good and picked him up and walked out of the bathroom after I covered the puppy with the towel and made my way to where Rose was sitting at...

Wyatt: hey I got us breakfast, I wasn't sure what you like so I got you a breakfast croissant.

Rose: thank you Wyatt...what's under the towel?

Wyatt: oh I would show you but its a surprise...close your eyes until I say...

I watched as she closed her eyes, I moved the towel and placed the puppy in her lap...

Wyatt: okay you can open your eyes now Rose

Rose: oh my gosh Wyatt, you got me a puppy...thank you so much he is cute!

Wyatt: the little guy followed me from getting breakfast, he didn't belong to anyone so I thought of you and how you lived alone and seeing how thin the poor little guy was I figured you two should meet each other.

Rose: Thank you so much!

Wyatt: You are welcome.

I watched as she stood up and walked over to me than gave me a hug, I hugged her back not wanting to let her go, after all I love her and needed to tell her but I didn't want lose her.

I watched as she stood up and walked over to me than gave me a hug, I hugged her back not wanting to let her go, after all I love her and needed to tell her but I didn't want lose her

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