chapter 20

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After I sprayed Wyatt in the eyes with the bottle of pepper spray I started running home, after I got there I shut the down and placed my back against the door and slowly started sliding down towards the floor with tears falling from my eyes, I slid my legs toward my chest and buried my head into my arms while I continued crying. I stood up after I calmed down and went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice cream and sat on the couch and begun watching some sappy romance movie...I got halfway into the movie when my phone started ringing, I picked it up and seen that it was Alice but I didn't answer cause I didn't want to talk about Wyatt but knowing how Alice was she would just show up at my door which is exactly what she did after the movie was over, I walked to the door after I heard her knocking and let her walk inside...

Alice: hey Jack told me what happened , are you okay?

Rose: no...

Alice: aww hun I'm you wanna talk about it?

Rose: I wish I never met him...

Alice: he is a good person, he just needs to decide what he wants out of life...

Rose: well he made it clear he doesn't want me, maybe he should run away with his new girlfriend and leave me alone...

Alice: girlfriend? What are you talking about?

Rose: he told me he met a girl while he was filming and that they were together....

Alice: the only girl he has spoken let alone ever hung out with is you Rose, I never seen him more happier than he is now since you come along...

Rose: really?

Alice: yeah...Jack says he has a change in him since you come along sweety.

Rose: well I hope Jack is used to the real him because me and Wyatt won't be seen together ever again, I'm just some stupid girl to him...

Alice: I know he hurt you by saying that but please give him another chance...

Rose: I'm sorry Alice but I can't do that...

Alice: okay do you want me to give him a message?

Rose: yeah I do...can you tell him that I was sorry that I wish we ever met him and I was stupid for beginning to fall in love with him and that I hope he finds what he is looking for in life.

Alice: okay...I will tell him and if you ever need someone to talk with or just want to have a girl's night out you can always call me. I will let you go back to your ice cream and your movie...

Rose: thanks for hearing me out Alice and tell Jack I said hello

Alice: I will tell him. See you later Rose.

Rose: see you later Alice.

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