chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly in my ear, I rolled over and picked it up and put it next to my ear after answering the phone call.

Bridgit: hello?

I didn't hear anything so I hung up the phone and got out of bed, I slowly walked downstairs and looked for Rose but didn't see her anywhere but I found the note that she left for me.

Bridgit, I left early this morning so you will have the place to yourself for the week so enjoy it and I will see you when I return home and I will bring you back a souvenir.

I placed the note on the counter and began looking for a bite to eat but nothing interested me so I decided to go out and get something after I met up with my boyfriend Chase.

Bridgit: hey Chase

Chase: hey babe...

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I sat down next to him.

Bridgit: I was going to get something to eat, do you wanna come with me?

Chase: I wish I could babe but the guys are on the way so we can rehearse before the show tonight.

Bridgit: oh right...I forgot about the show tonight.

Chase: what about your friend that you live with, she can't go with you?

Bridgit: she left early this morning, she will be gone for a week.

Chase: I see... I promise after the show that I will swing by and we can do whatever you want tonight babe

Bridgit: okay Chase, I will see you later. I love you, have fun tonight.

Chase: I love you too Bridgit.

I stood up and left without saying a word as Chase's friends walked over to him and begun rehearsing, I drove to my mom and dad's diner and decided to help them out with the customers, it wasn't my real job but it was something to do when I wasn't working at my actual job which was at law firm.

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