chapter 14

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After we had finished eating dinner and viewing the sights, we returned back to hotel room and rested for the remainder of the night...

Rose: I guess they thought we were a couple since we came here together...?

Wyatt: I guess so...

Rose: do you want to do this?

Wyatt: what do you mean Rose?

Rose: well should one of us sleep on the couch or the bed?

Wyatt: well I was thinking more along the lines of sharing the bed together...

Rose: okay but don't get any ideas...

I laughed a little before taking something out to sleep in...I heard Wyatt humming something as I headed into the bathroom and got a shower, after I got out of the shower I seen Wyatt standing outside the door with nothing on but the pants he was wearing before...I walked past him while trying not to stare which was hard but I managed to do it with ease, I sat climbed into bed and turned the tv on and begun searching for a movie to watch...five minutes passed and I seen Wyatt walking out of the bathroom and towards the bed wearing just a pair of boxers while he was drying his hair off with the towel

Rose: well someone looks comfortable

Wyatt: yeah, you look comfortable too. So what now miss Clark?

Rose: well mister Evans, we could watch a movie or we could go straight to sleep, the choice is up to you sir...

Wyatt: well we could fall asleep watching a movie...

Rose: that sounds good to me...

I pat the bed gently and watched as he sat close to me after he got on the bed and we watched a movie on the tv, I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and gently ran his fingers through my hair which put me to sleep....

I pat the bed gently and watched as he sat close to me after he got on the bed and we watched a movie on the tv, I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and gently ran his fingers through my hair which put me to sleep

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👆*Hotel Room* 👆
👇*Rose's sleepwear* 👇

 👆*Hotel Room* 👆👇*Rose's sleepwear* 👇

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