chapter 7

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Two hours passed since Bridgit left me alone to watch over Rose, she was still out from whatever happened between her and that guy before I arrived here. I carefully examined the bruise on the side of her face, I gently grabbed her face and looked at it before I gently touched it just to make sure it wasn't broke when I heard a pained sound escape her mouth and I watched as she opened her eyes and looked at me before she slowly sat up next to me...

Wyatt: hey, how are you feeling?

Rose: long have you been here?

Wyatt: a little over two hours, are you okay?

Rose: I will be fine...where is he at?

Wyatt: he left with Bridgit earlier, it's me and you until she returns

Rose: okay...

Wyatt: do you need anything?

I stood up and waited for her to answer but she never responded instead she begun crying...I grabbed her hand and made her stand up before I gently held her close to me.

Wyatt: It won't happen again Rose I promise...

Rose: he hit me and had his way with me...

I felt her lay her head on my chest and heard her sobbing which only made me more angrier than I already was. I picked her up and carried her upstairs and into her room and ran her a warm bath...I waited in her room until she finished with her bath and getting dressed, I seen her walking out of the bathroom 20 minutes later and I helped her into her bed where we watched movies until she fell asleep while I held her close, I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to hurt her...she was a very loving and good hearted woman. I gently moved my arm and placed a few pillows under her head and went downstairs while I waited for Bridgit to return which she never did so I fell asleep on the couch...the morning came quickly and I was woken up to the smell of something cooking and seen Rose in the kitchen, I stood up and walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder which made her jump before turning around.

Rose: oh gosh Wyatt you scared me

Wyatt: I'm sorry, I just wanted to check on you before I took off...

Rose: yeah about last night, I wanted to thank you for staying here and taking care of me...

Wyatt: You're welcome Rose, I will be here for you whenever you need have my number don't be a stranger.

Rose: you don't have to rush off....

Wyatt: I have somewhere to go...

Rose: at least eat something before you rush off...

Wyatt: I would love to stay for a little longer but I have somewhere to be in an hour but we could go out later in the week if you want to Rose...

Rose: sure, just let me know what day so I won't make plans that day...

Wyatt: okay...see you later Rose.

Rose: see you later Wyatt...

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