Chapter Eight~Chase her

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Aries smiled foolishly to himself and Savannah took notice of it. The smile wiped out all of a sudden realizing how silly he might look indeed especially to his keen observant sister.

“What are you smiling at?” She asked her brother, face painted with curiosity.

“Smiling? Why would I do that anyway? You must be imagining things again.” He commented shaking his head. Feeling glad thatSavannahrespected him when he said the last time not to read his past memories and guessed she was no longer doing it.

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask yourself?”Savannah asked him back with a shrug of her shoulders.

After seeing De Vonne inDetroit, he went back to his family after making sure De Vonne was already safe. Knowing that she wouldn’t do anything she might regret in the end. Anyway, suicide was out of her mind, though engaging on it would save her from resenting in the end. How in devil’s name dead person regret anyway, he asked, well he didn’t believe in afterlife or any sort of soul or ghost, spirit or whatever.

Following his cousins’ suggestion and decided to have it inBahamas, butSavannahpushed in going with him. He agreed eventually after making her oath not to give him any trouble.

“I wonder, why you’ve decided to choose this place brother.”Savannah asked him again, while looking out at the window, their place was on the second floor, and fortunately they were having a great view of the beach and the environment surrounding the wonderful island.

“Just read it somewhere and I want to be free from noise, why the question little sis?” Aries replied carefully choosing his words.

“Is that all?”Savannahasked raising her fine eyebrow.

“Yes.” He quickly replied. “Why?” He asked her back.

“You know, just wondering, of all places, you could have your vacation in Hawaii, or in Rio or in Australia.”  Savannah commented coolly.

“And one thing, I’m no longer little, see I’ve grown.”Savannahadded.

Yes, why here? He asked himself, having a feeling to tell his sister to read his past thought but decided not to, maybe,Savannah knew it but only keeping it from him.

He once told himself to keep De Vonne out of his mind, but hearing De Vonne in misery, made him want to see her. Surely she didn’t deserve those people around her who only hurt her, who couldn’t understand her own feeling.

But now, he was determined to make her smile and find happiness again. And he knew what was he doing making her day.

His sister’s voice took him back from thinking of De Vonne. “Anyway, I’m going out for a while, want to come with me?”Savannah invited him which he declined with a shook of his head.

“Come on, there are beautiful girls outside.” His sister urged him on once again, he snorted. What would he do to those girls, anyway?

“Fine.” And she left him, he walked towards the window to peek where wasSavannahheading and she stopped upon meeting a woman halfway.

Crap­, he swore under his breath, seeing his sister stretched out a hand and De Vonne accepted it and even smiled.

Combing his hair frantically with his hand and hearing Savannah said, “She’s so pretty, I never thought she’s here too. What a coincidence indeed, what do you think brother?”Savannah deliberately made it known to him, he could see his sister’s face, it seemed she was in the cloud nine.

“What are you doing?” He asked through his mind while looking intently at the two women.

“Can’t you see, we’re talking? Oh she’s so nice.” Savannah answered him in the same manner.

Yeah I know, he thought to himself not to Savannah.

Fighting the urge to go out but decided to stay where he was at the moment, but asking, what if he went with Savannah outside, maybe he could meet De Vonne face to face wide awake not sleeping or drunk. No, it wasn’t the time, other part of his mind contradicted.

Uncertain of what she might feel if she knew who he was or what he was, taking a glance again outside just when Savannah pointed out their cottage and he quickly ducked and hid himself. With pursed lips, he asked his sister mentally, “What was that anyway?”

“Don’t fret, I am only showing her our cottage.”Savannah answered.

“What? Our cottage?” He sounded horrified though he was only talking through mind and Savannah knew his reaction.

“Ahm yeah.”

He cursed.

“Oh don’t cha worry, she doesn’t know about you.” Savannah assured him.

He sighed afterwards, thinking that Savannah’s intervention wasn’t necessary in making his way to De Vonne and found himself smirked, and knowing Savannah won’t do anything which might piss him off, well except for what she was doing that moment.

Looking again outside, and frowned when he couldn’t find the two women. He was thinking if he would go outside anyway. He decided to stay in the confines of the room and confront later his very pushy sister.

He never thought he had fallen asleep while waiting for Savannah, his chocolate brown eyes traveled to the clock.

Heck, it was already five in the afternoon, conducive for walking in the beach, and by the time he would be back, Savanna might have already returned.

He decided to go out while his feet dragged him to a bar in the island. There were music, dancing of the natives and lovers too enjoying the sunset. He walked towards the table he spotted as vacant. People unsurprisingly looked at him which he didn't mind. Upon sitting, an entertainer went quickly to his side and gave him menu.

He wondered what he could eat there. Perhaps a drink will do. The entertainer obviously already had some hot for him. With a fluttering of her eyelashes at him while she talked trying to get his attention. Well she had his attention but he won't bite it. The woman left him feeling so disgusted and told him before she left to wait for his order.

A young man was sent to give him the drink he ordered. He was sipping then when he heard his sister talked somewhere he wasn't certain or in his mind.

“Here we are.” His gaze looked around and found Savannah holding De Vonne’s hand in hers. They were already that close, how fast he thought. While he just managed to see her distantly. He was careful in looking at them. Like him, the women also got the attention of the people in the bar for which like him, his sister was also pale, incredibly pale. And other reason was De Vonne herself, she was a celebrity anyway.

"What is this again?” He asked Savannah again mentally.

“Having a good time.”Savannah answered in the same manner. He looked at them and saw De Vonne laughed. He never saw her laughed before only that moment. And he decided to paint that look on his mind. He never thought he was already staring. De Vonne looked around and spotted him. She frowned. And luckily his sister grabbed her attention again whenSavannah touched her hand lightly that made De Vonne looked at her.

He quickly stood up before she would notice him again, and had managed to get out of the place hastily without looking back.

<<<Authors' Note>>>

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