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After a short drive I reached Jungkook's place and sighed as I stood in front of his house. My hands hesitating and my palms getting sweaty as I reached to knock on the door.

Finally as I cooled down I knocked on the door, gathering up all my courage.

The door opened and he was wearing a loose fitted shirt which was slightly see through from the water falling down his hair in the form of drops. 

He looked at me and smiled while I could feel the heat coming from him. He probably took a hot shower.

The strong smell of aftershave and body wash filling my nostrils in such a way that I could just fall into his arms right now and wish to never wake up again.

Ughh just kill me already.

"Umm.. ugh y-your phone, you left it back home!" I said and almost threw the phone into his hands.

I really wanted to slap myself for feeling like an idiot in front of him.

"Oh. I didn't even realise that it wasn't with me, thanks though. Come in, I'll get you something to drink."

He said while smiling and widening the door for me to get in.
I was debating with my mind. I knew it damn well that I would do something stupid. I sighed before accepting his offer.

He brought me towards a couch and I looked around the entire place. White walls, black furniture, classic but beautiful.

"I'll just grab another shirt, be right back!" He said and smiled at me warmly before running towards another room.

I waited and looked at all the photo frames he had in the living room. One of them made me feel petty. It was Jungkook and Ara, hugging each other. I scoffed, he loves her so much that he placed a huge photo frame with a picture of just him and her.

I felt guilt washing me once again. My thoughts moved away when he came back with a glass of what looked like orange juice and a new shirt.

He sat down next to me and gave me the glass. I looked down, not wanting to meet his gaze and quietly took the glass from him. I drank it up as fast as I could and got up.

"I guess I should go." I said without looking at him.

He got up too and came closer to me while I was planning on running away.

He immediately pulled me in for a hug and I couldn't even move after that.

"Look, if you're worried about the kiss then don't be. I wouldn't take it this seriously Aerum. I still take you as a f-friend."

Huh? Why did he stutter? I nodded my head and looked at him before giving him a smile. Even though I might have been hurt inside.

'A friend ' Who am I to say anything about it though? We could never be anything more. Being engaged means that you already are destined with that person. And if you love that person, then there is no way you would break apart.

Seeing how much he loved Aerum made me jealous up to my core but I was happy. Happy that my sister found a good guy. She was pretty, many guys liked her during school but she never accepted to be in a relationship.

Jungkook was her first love and she deserved him. She was always nice. I guess I was just a shadow then. Whenever I think of my school days, I remember how people talked to me to be able to befriend Ara.

Was she that perfect? Or was I that pitiful? Even if I am, I know that Taehyung is a true friend of mine. He will always be there for me.

I scoffed at how crude this world could be.

Making my way towards the door, I opened it only for it to be shut close after.

The door made a thud as it was closed in harsh force and I was spun around.

"Stop making it harder for me that it already is! You looking like your sister is enough to make me go hard, and then you always look like you're frustrated when I talk about her. What! Do you also want me as much as I want you?!!"

He asked and I could feel myself getting weak and scared. He wasn't scary, just the depth in the words he used made me feel nervous.

It was overwhelming in a way. He held my upper arms so tight as his eyes pierced through mine from his strong gaze.

"What are you going to do if I did want you? You don't need to worry about it Jungkook. After all I'm just going to be throwing flowers on the both of you and move on with my worthless life while you both will be enjoying your love life and making kids."

I said coldly even if these word struck my heart. He looked taken back from my words, I was too. I forcefully separated his hands from my arms and opened the door before moving out.

I got into my car and drove myself back home feeling pain all over my chest. What did he mean when he said that he wants me too?
He knew that I wanted him? And yet he was sweet to me like he wanted me to fall deeper.

Once I reached, I hit the steering wheel with all my might and soon place my forehead on it.

I could feel the tears pour out of my eyes. Why can't I have a normal life?


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