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My head hurt as I tried to bear with the gleaming lights that were hurting my sleepy eyes, I look around to see a clinic like setting, a normal room, but there was an IV next to me. Looking over I saw Aerum warming something in a small kettle like-thing.

"You hadn't eaten, feverish, sleep-driven, and you came to a mutual camp, filled with multiple students. How could you be so careless?" She asked me as she walked over and sat on the chair in front of me.

What she heated up was a bowl of chicken soup, and must I say, it smelt divine. I almost immediately started to savor the delicacy and was done too in no time.

"Your shoes are behind the door, once you feel better come out, we're waiting for you." She said and was about to leave.

"Was this how you took care of me after I got caught up in that accident?" I asked her, she didn't respond, but she heard me loud and clear, stopping in her tracks and standing up to look at me.

"I never got to thank you for it, all the nonsense I was fed during the time caused me to react the way I did, I'm sorry-"

"We've been over this Jungkook, I don't wanna know, whatever it was, we're both happily settled in our lives now. Let's strive to keep it that way-"

"Do you even know how I am?" I asked her and she stopped talking, looking away.

"Happily settled? You can see what state I'm in, you still think it's happy like this?" I asked her with a scoff, she was silent still, not bothering to negotiate.

"If you really are happy, why aren't you able to make eye contact with me, even now you're looking away. You know deep down that this matter has a lot more to be revealed than what you know now, then why are you being so oblivious?"

The whole time she maintained that aura, I watched her gulp.

"If you really are happy with Tae, would it really hurt if you even spoke properly with me?" I asked her, softer this time and finally, she down at me.

"By doing that, you're making me feel happy Aerum, that's all I'm asking for. Please, let's put an end to this unnecessary rivalry, nothing wrong, just good acquaintances and if any better, friends?"

I asked and this time she didn't look away even once.

"I'll think about it." She stated and left, over the 23 years of my life, 'I'll think about it' is how most girls say 'No' politely. I huffed, I needed her to know my side of the story.

She needs to know about Ara, so much more, and I want to help her. I was gonna work at this, we used to be on better terms but I had to ruin it because of my stupidity, now I'll work hard to rectify it, I have to for Aerum, more importantly, her happiness.


"For the fifteenth time Tae, I had lunch-"

"No, you didn't." I heard someone say and snatch my phone away from me, now who here wants a taste of hell. I turned around ready to rebuke whoever it was but stopped when I saw Jungkook.

'He only just recovered.' I reminded myself. Taking a deep breath I held out my hand, but he only smiled before throwing it inside a clear glass box that had a few more phones in it.

"The first day of camp, we have a build-up session to know the students and teachers of the other classes. No phones allowed." He said smiling and left, only after whipping his hair. Why?

Walking over to the main grounds I saw the rest of the students yell about how their phones were taken away too. Its gonna be a long way.

The games were only minutes away and I was getting nervous by the second, not being so very good at sports was something concerning, seeing all these energetic students and even teachers, I was a bit intimidated.

Tug of War, my arms are literal noodles. I knew I was gonna let my team down, whoever thought Boys vs Girls was fun, honey, you were wrong.

Some buff, some slim, some petit, some tall, all women staff lined up on one side, men on the other. The result was kinda obvious, but we humans live for the thrill after all. I was the last one on my side and prayed that even if we did fail, no one blamed me for it all.

I felt someone stand behind me and turned to see Jungkook, he wasn't looking at me, but speaking to one of the other male teachers.

"I wanna be on the women team, the men are scary." He said, using fake aegyo, the fever really messed with his head. He still hadn't looked at me, mocking one of the teachers that questioned his masculinity.

The referee - one of the students - blew the whistle and we started pulling the rope on our side, My veins were popping up, my face probably red, chest tightened, I was really hoping for a good result, feeling the immense pull from behind me I noticed that we were actually getting the rope on our side.

Jungkook pulled it fast with utmost strength, giving me more confidence and I tried harder. The rope finally got on our side and we managed to score. The pull created inertia, making me jerk back and I hit his chest, pushing him back a bit cause of the force too. The thrill ran across my veins and I turned around to see him already looking at me.

I was really happy, even if not much, I felt like I was able to contribute something to the game.

Ara always told me to work harder on my agility, but I was too lazy to get up from our comfy couch.

The feeling of victory made me feel genuinely overjoyed, I jumped and giggled as the anxiety I had at the start of the game, all turned to pure joy.

Jungkook stopped smiling and looked at me with big doe eyes making me frown a bit.

"Why do you look so amazed?" I asked and he blinked.

"You smiled."

He observed and looked away to his side, smiling to himself.


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