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I took a deep breath as I kept my head held high, not wanting him to see even the slightest of nervousness from me.

"I'm the new homeroom teacher, M-1, it's my first day here," I answered him and did my best to sound professional, clutching on the CV files in my arms.

"Ah, great, that class is quite the one for you. You won't have a single thing to worry about." He said giving a small yet seemingly genuine smile.

Why was he so calm? I cleared my throat and asked him why he was here.

KeJeon was his father's, I knew that well, most of the regional yet good high schools here were owned by him, this was something I heard from Ara.

Jungkook took on his dad's business making him one of the school trustees but currently an intern. I nod my head as he explained and noticed the clock hanging right above his head.

Shoot, I had about 5 minutes for the bell to ring and I looked back at Jungkook who was still talking.

" I need to get to class, wouldn't want to be late on my first day," I said and he nods,

"Have a great first day." He said smiling and I speed-walked away.

'M-1' I sighed and reminded myself that I could do this and opened the door, the students stopped whatever they were doing and stood up at once.

"Good Morning, Miss!" They were more energetic than I was in high school.

I smiled as I made my way in and kept the files aside for the moment.

"Since it's Day 1, I'm not gonna torment any of you, let's just get around knowing each other okay!" I said and heard some howls and some clapping but acceptable from the kids.

They all stood up one by one introducing themselves, starting from their names. Some shy ones didn't go more than their name and hometown but I didn't force them and maintained the same smile throughout.

Then there were some who showed off their party tricks which I enjoyed and finally, they all were done.

"Ma'am you need to tell us too." One of the girls who sat at the very middle asked and I nod again.

"I'm Min Aerum, from Busan," I said and all of them went quiet, enough to hear the birds chirping and I felt anxious, did they not like my name or something.

"That's it?" One of the boys at the back asked and I shrugged.

"Well, what would you like to know?" I asked and some of the boys glanced at each other before turning to me.

"How 'bout your number? For study purposes of course," he said raising his hands up in defense.

"Don't you see a wedding ring on her finger genius?" One of the girls who sat at the front asked him and he pouted.

"Well I got married a few months ago, I'm not much older to you but I will still hold up my responsibilities and be the best teacher for you," I said professionally and once the chorus of claps and hooting was heard.

Nonetheless, they were energetic for sure. Not that I had a problem, we had a fair share of the nerdy ones and the perverted ones but each was hardworking, which I learned from their previous teacher who retired.

I left the class when the bell rang and started moving back to the staff room.

"Aerum!" I heard being called and I turned to see an exasperated Jungkook trying to catch his breath.

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