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I was looking out the window of my room, the night sky calming me in countless ways.

That feeling of comfort and at peace which I'd been craving for so long was there again. Tae made sure to check up on me every once in a while.

What did he mean when he said that I ruined their life?

The day before...

I walked through the halls to meet Ara. Mom told me that she was in her room, making my steps faster I finally reached the room and opened the door right away.

I should've knocked. Ara was no where to be seen, but Jugkook laid on the bed. He got up abruptly from how I opened the door. A few of the buttons on his shirt opened and his hair a slight mess.

Without further notice I asked, "Where's Ara?".

He fixed himself before answering, "Does it concern you?".

I glared at him feeling my temper rise.


"Why can't you just leave us alone huh?!" He said and I frowned.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"We were so much happier before you. Let me get this straight, I don't like you. Okay?! I hate you and so does she. Now leave."

"Okay hold up, what on earth did I do?"

"Tch, I wouldn't want to waste my breath on someone who just sleeps around."

My eyes widen at that. Is he aware of the facts?

"Really you treat her like shit and then yo-"

He slammed me on the door aggressively and glared into my orbs. It didn't scare me one bit, in return I glared back with the same intensity.

"Leave us alone." He grunted simply.

We shared that stare and in the next moment I saw Ara walk out of the restroom.

My eyes delighted at the sight of my sister. I had missed her the most.

I pushed Jugkook away and skipped my way to her.

"Ara what's going on why aren't you picking my calls or replying to my messages?"

She never looked more dead in the eye at me ever before. I was dumbstruck.

• • • • •

The knock at my door pulled me off my thoughts. I quickly walked to the door to be surprised by Mari.

We hadn't communicated much so it was rather weird for me that she was here.

She seemed like she just had a cry. A really bad one at that.

"I'm sorry."

• • • • •

I looked through all of my old files. I had a habit of always keeping things I received from others in a file, which was why in a way it was easy to remember old times.

I kept looking for that picture, if what Mari said was really true then I need my side of the proof too.

Ara believed in evidence, never had she had an open ear to rumors. And this time I had to do something.

Maybe I'm still short of all the puzzle pieces. But I will surely do what it takes to get back with Ara, the way we always were.

I finally found what I had been looking for.

All those handwritten letters and Polaroids which I was going to burn down that night. I was so thankful I didn't do anything to them.

I looked through the pictures and finally noticed the one I had been searching for.

She was right. How could I not recognise her at first glance?


"Did she do anything in my absence?" Ara asked as we were once again lying flat on the bed. Her fingers tangled between locks of my hair and her arms wrapped around my chest.

"No." I said simply while I watched the ceiling as though it was something fascinating.

Why did I feel weird when I reacted to her in that way? Yes she has done a lot of damage to our relationship, but why don't I remember anything.

Was the accident really that bad?

I never got angry at Ara before but at times I really was paranoid over our relationship.

No, I didn't necessarily feel anything towards Aerum but at the same time I couldn't completely come down to the fact that she did something that horrible.

I believe Ara more than myself but why do I feel like I'm missing something?


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