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I speed walked to my class when I noticed that class would start in less than five minutes when I reached the door I waited for a second so that I could adjust my blazer before I turned the knob.

When I entered a crowd of roaring 'Good Mornings' welcomed me and I smiled while placing my file on the table. Like the other day, the class was full yet as a part of my job I took up my register, faint noises of young adults sharing their words with their friends.

"Roll call, so pay attention kids!" I yelled out for them to hear and once they did, some shuffled about and located themselves to their respective seats. I started with the attendance list and after a few students, I noticed someone peaking into the class from the window, clearly noticing the bowl cut on their head. I excused myself, hoping to catch this student who was cutting class.

When I went out it was someone slightly taller, still peaking into the class.

"Jungkook?" I called out and like the world stopped for him, so did his actions. He turned his head around slowly and gave me a sheepish smile, to which I replied with a stoic expression. When he realized that I wasn't smiling back, he cleared his throat and tried to look professional again, placing his hands in his pocket.

"Why are you peaking into my class, Sir?" He looked a bit taken aback by the way I addressed him, but I maintained my composure.

"Umm I was thinking, can we, like, you know, have lunch together today, again?" he asked nervously and I sighed internally.

"I have some work today, so no, not really," I said and began to leave.

"H-hey, you only started work two days ago, surely it couldn't be that much right?"

Before I could even retort he began to leave the premises.

"I'll wait for you. Please be there once you're free okay." He said and walked off without letting me say anything at all.

I rushed back into the class and thankfully no one noticed, I continued on with the day and soon enough it was lunchtime. I wasn't lying, I did have some work to do, assign groups for class participation and also plan on an outing for the class during summer break, which was in two weeks.

Documents of my students lied in front of me, I took my time in pairing the kids for group activities, making sure that I paired kids who could benefit each other equally and provide the best results.

A knock on the window of my class make me lose my attention abruptly, causing me to drop some of the documents and I could only curse internally. He ran in quick and bent down with me to help, nothing cliche happened. He picked up all of the sprawled documents and placed them on the table for me.

"Thanks," I exclaimed out of breath and he gave me a toothy smile.

"Since you're grateful, return my favor. Have lunch with me, please?" he asked more seriously this time and I looked down at the bag of Chinese delicacies in his hand.

- - -

I was hesitating the entire time, meanwhile, he seemed absolutely alright. Digging into his box of noodles, he ate appetizingly. I put down my chopsticks gently and pushed myself to lean on the chair.

"Why're you doing this Jungkook?"

He looked up for a second before going back to slurp his noodles, once he did, he put away his chopsticks, using the napkin to wipe away any of the sauces around his mouth even though there were none.

He looked down at his now-empty box and sighed.

"I know I've done some pretty unforgivable shit before, I know you probably wouldn't forgive but, can we forget about it. I'm willing to change, I just need you to accept it."

"Accept what Jungkook?" I asked not leaving eye contact even one.

"My friendship."

- - -

I didn't answer him before I could I left. The bell saved me and I left with whatever I had, I couldn't think of anything. If I said no, he'd continue doing this, which was bearable. But if I said yes, he could ruin everything that was finally getting better for me.

I put down my bag on the floor and rest myself on the couch, alarming Tae who was endorsed into the TV show that was currently airing.

"Rough day?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not really, just tired." he nods and pats his lap to which I smile and place my head on his lap, not even realizing as I swept away to slumber.

- - -


My cheek stung, I looked down, not able to face her.

"Why? Why does it always have to be her?" She said out loud hysterically. I only scoffed despite the pain.

"Are you for real right now? That girl dealt with everything you could never imagine, she had a tougher upbringing than you did." I said out loud, my eyes filled with rage as I stared at her who was not at the edge of tears.

"Well, let's see, though it was me who started it, she still thinks it's you. That dumb woman thinks it was all you, so who do you think is gonna suffer more." She said smirking.

"Dumb? She loves you Ara, it's love that keeps her from hating you. You have countless friends, all she's ever had was you and Tae. And yet you call her dumb?" I spat out and shook my head in disgust, to think she was the older one.

I lift my coat and went out the door at once, regardless of the fact that it was raining heavily.

"Jungkook?! Come back here. Jung-" I didn't bother adhering. My hair getting wet and I felt the stinging on my cheek worsen.

Laying myself on the park bench and I hoped to never wake up again, thoughts of Aerum filled my head all over again. This had been happening for quite a few days, ever since fights between me and Ara went overhead.

The water kept increasing, hurting my skin as I didn't have a lot of shade. I didn't carry my wallet and was reluctant to go back to that hellhole where I knew Ara would've been fuming still.

A tear left my eye as I looked back at how all things were lining up one after the other. Thinking back to this morning, the way she smiled at the students. I felt myself get warmer by just the thought, thinking of her brought back happiness which I'd lost because of my own mistakes when I was unable to point between right and wrong.

Added to the pain I felt when Aerum wasn't ready to forgive me. My head hurt as I tried hard to fall asleep.

The rain falling over me only getting harsher.

Please forgive me Aerum...

To Be Continued...

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