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That night I never slept, especially after what Taehyung told me.

"He loves you Aerum-ah."

It wasn't just hard to belive, it was shocking. He just blurted it out as we danced, I still remember how I secretly tried looking at Jungkook right after.

He was glaring at me, atleast that was what I thought. His eyes could've pierced through Taehyung's palm that was holding my waist.

His eyes were fierce with a feeling I couldn't understand, I didn't want to.

Taehyung was smiling after he told me those four words, it felt like he was happy. But I could clearly see his smile that never reached his eyes that night.

I couldn't sleep at all because of how many questions I had running through my mind. How many things I wish I knew.

The knock on my door made me rise up from the bed, on opening the door I was greeted by a overly joyful Ara making her way into my room.

She plopped down on my bed before looking at me, her eyes screaming mischief but her smile telling me otherwise.

She took out her hands from her back showing me what was in them. It looked like a long ticket, I frowned my eyebrows and she just looked at me with a tired expression.

"I've got tickets we're going for a movie." She exclaimed and I smiled back nodding.

"Hope you and Jungkook have fun!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic, although I clearly know that I'd failed miserably.

"You fool, it's for you and Tae too. I've already called him. I was talking to Jungkook about that double date we had at the park and it seems like he was excited for another one."

She said and smiled wider before getting up from the bed.

"Get dressed we'll be leaving in an hour."

She said and left the room.

The door slamming behind me, leaving a sigh from my lips, I turned to my closet and started rummaging through it to find something suitable and casual.

• • • • • • • •
It had already been fifteen minutes since I had been waiting for Ara to get finished.

How many girls take an hour to get ready again?

Another sigh left my mouth as I kept getting bored. How does Jungkook deal with this? I chuckled at the thought.

Finally I heard light thuds of heels hitting the ground. Rising myself up from the couch I turned myself to my sister wearing a casual white sweater with a pink skirt.

Even in these simple clothes she looked so beautiful.

"Did I take too long?" She asked me and I raised my eyebrow amused.

"Considering you would've caked your face but since you didn't... no, you didn't take too long." I said emphasising the too.

She scoffed before we waited until Jungkook arrived to fetch us with Tae.

Once we reached the theatres, I made sure to keep away from Jungkook. Recalling what Tae told me about him, I couldn't help but to stay away.

The look on Ara's face that night was devastating, and she was that worried just about Jungkook's ignorance. I couldn't think of hurting her anymore.

I had fun with Tae though, it wasn't awkward. Something I was happy for. He kept himself with Ara. Same as we entered the theatre hall.

It was dark and cold in there, but I knew well of Jungkook's burning gaze on me.

I never looked at him, whenever I did, it ended up into an intense eye contact.

I kept squirming on my seat. After a few seconds I felt Tae's palm covering mine, I didn't realise that I was fidgeting so much.

Looking up at him, I could see his smile before he turned his eyes back to the movie.

My cheeks were starting to warm up, feeling his palm's warmth on mine comforting me in many ways.

The light sounds of laughter entered my ears and I looked to my side.

Ara... She was chuckling, Jungkook's fingers playing with her arms. I just sighed and rested the back of my head on the seat.

Not realising that the movie was long over.

I felt someone shaking my arm and I opened my eyes to see Ara frowning at me.

"Yah! How could you be such a spoilt sport? How could you sleep in between such an amusing film?" She asked me.

"Why watch a funny movie when I could look back at my life instead?" I said and let out a yawn before stretching my arms.

"Aerum you know that's not what I-"

"Yo! Slow pokes, come on quick would you. Some of us are really hungry here!" We heard Taehyung's voice come form behind us, making both of us let out little giggles.

"After you~ " I sang with my arm stretched, signalling her to walk in front of me.

As we walked through the dim lighted hallways, I felt my arm pulled on harshly, my mouth being covered right after. Restraining me from letting out any sound.

I was pulled so hard my arms hurted. Finally I felt my feet stop inside an almost empty room. It only had a few old chairs.

Finally the hand the covered my mouth shut was off, my eyes meeting those glaring ones.

Immediately I felt my anger rising. My breathing fastening from how soon I was fuming.

"Who the hell do you think you are? My arm fucking hurts because of you."

I yelled at him and he still stared at me uninterested.

"Shut up." He said calmly and I only raged more.

"Shut up!? You're asking me to shut up?! After dragging me all the way here you have the audacity to ask me to-"

He stopped me. I couldn't say anything after that. Moreover, I couldn't say anything after that at all.

He was kissing me, Jungkook was kissing me.

I wish I could've stopped him. Maybe then I wouldn't have felt so horrible.


Sorry for the late update, I've been stressing over a lot of things recently and wasn't quite able to update in between all of it.

Thank you all for waiting patiently though.

I'll try updating more often.


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