Nine: Awkward Apologies

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Saying dinner was awkward, was an understatement. We sat there, making awkward eye contact for a while. I continued to look down at my plate for most of dinner, but when I looked up the boys were all stealing glances at me. I shouldn't have left the house, but Luke yelled at me. I didn't want to be here. Calum and Michael just looked like they wanted to laugh earlier but Luke was different. Ashton made up with the boys, and you can tell that they're fine. But I'm the problem here. The boys could've called me, or stopped me. Or even drove around, but I still am in trouble for leaving. I guess they just don't know how to do this whole parenting thing. They're young.

Honestly, I'm not even hungry. I've barely touched my plate as don't want to eat any more. The boys are eating like normal, but they still watch me play with the spaghetti on my plateaus I don't eat it. I sigh to myself and take another bite and to be quite honest, it's really good. Im just not hungry. I don't want to eat it.

I push my plate up a bit and get up out of my chair. "I'm done." I say and leave the room. I hear them all sigh and I know Luke is playing with his lip ring and Ashton is tapping his fingers on the table. I know Calum is looking everywhere but the boys and Michael is scratching the back of his neck. I've come to known their nervous habits, even if I haven't been here very long. My only question is, why did they get a girl? Couldn't they cope better with a boy like them?

Nevertheless, they chose me. A girl who didn't even know they existed, and has a bad attitude towards them. I sigh and go on my phone to see texts from Lacey saying all the girls are up for it if the boys let us. She wants so know when and how many nights as well. I should probably have them here from friday to sunday. Im not gonna ask them until everyone's calmed down a bit. I should probably talk to the boys soon, we can't have it awkward like this. I text Lacey back letting her know the details.

[To: Lacey:D]

I was thinking Friday to Sunday? I'll ask the boys in a few.

[From: Lacey:D]

Great! Lemme know:D

I sigh and lean back on my bed an realize, I've never done this before. I don't know what we do and stuff. This is gonna be interesting... Maybe I can look up ideas online later! Tht sounds perfect actually. I also have the stuff the boys bought me and we can probably use that. That's when I hear a know on my door.

I get up and open my door to see the boys standing there and sigh, moving aside and letting them in. I see Ashton brought my spaghetti with him and put it on my desk. Ill ask them after we talk, they'll all be in a good mood most likely and that should be the perfect time. I just hate apoligizing for anything. It's like losing your pride.

"I'm sorry I yelled.." Luke blurts out and eyes turn to him.

"I'm sorry about the sauce fight and for leaving." there. I swallowed my pride but I guess that's okay for now. Next time we'll have to worry about not swallowing it. After I regain it that is. I look up to see four smiling faces.

"What?" I ask, I'm utterly confused. These boys are confusing. Correction, all boys are confusing. Then again, so are girls I guess.

"We're just happy." I jump. This is the perfect time to ask them.

"Can I have some friends sleep over Friday to Sunday?" I ask, sending a pout straight towards Calum, and I'm pretty sure his lip quivers. I do the same to Michael and he looks like I broke his heart. Ashton, he's already going to say yes I know that and Luke w-

"No" "Yes" I got three yes' and Luke said no. I pout at him and he looks at me. No emotion. The other boys look like they're going to cry. That's when I let the tear drip from my eye and Luke's face changes.

"Fine. Just stop pouting, you're harder to say no to then Calum." he says and I smile. They're too easy. I text Lacey letting her know it's fine, and the adress.

"She totally played us!" Michael points out and I laugh earning playful glares.

"Your pout is not better than mine!" Calum pouts and I laugh.

"Well, I'm a girl and face it, I'm cuter than you." I say while flipping my hair earning a gasp from the boys. Luke and Ash are supporting playful grins while Calum fake cries into Michael's shoulder.

"Okay now bye boys!" I wave and shove them out of my room earning a few 'heys' and 'ow' and just laugh. I jump onto my bed and take the spaghetti, deciding to actually eat now. Those boys are so stupid.

The spaghetti is still warm and it still tastes like heaven. I'd like to think that ash and I made it but that's a lie. We put noodles in water and that's all we did besides make a mess. That's okay I guess because it was a fun mess. Oh crap! I should probably tell Lacey to pack bathing suits.


Sorry! Forgot to tell you you all need to bring a bathing suit. See you Friday!

Okay, now I'm all set. I should bring my plate down now. I get up and carry the plate downstairs and out it in the sink. I should go sit at my desk with the laptop and see what happens at sleepovers for a bit. But first...

I sneak past the boys and into the basement picking a random game to play. Guess I'm playing call of duty for a bit. I play online and talk to some people. For a while. I even bet a few guys, making them angry that a soon-to-be-14 year old beat them at a stupid little game. I sigh and throw my controller on the rug. This game is addicting.

I get up and shut off the system beginning to trudge upstairs. That was fun, I should go lookup stuff to do online for now. If I didn't run into the boys. I forgot to to sneak past them this time and just give them a big innocent smile.

"Whose controller did you use?" that's all they care about? I laugh at that. "I used the batman one." I reply. Eveyone turns to Luke, of course Luke's. He doesn't seem to care thoughts he just shrugs.

"What game did you play without us?" I shrug and start heading upstairs. But not before shouting to them. "I played COD!" and go into my room logging onto my laptop to lookup some things. No one bugs me, so I guess I'm off the hook.

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