Fourty-Four: Surprise

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The weekend had gone by agonizingly slow, which would normally be great. But I just didn't want to have to be around Luke right now.

First, he gets angry about not being my legal dad, wow that sounds weird. But anyways, then he says it was a mistake anyways. Now he's acting like he cares? He confuses me. If anything boys are the confusing ones.

I slip on my one of my vans as I limp out the door. I can't wear both, because of this stupid air cast. The boys also said I have to use my crutches at school so they're in the car. I probably look really messed up right now.

I'm dressed like I normally am, shorts and a band tee. But I have bruises on my body and I'm on crutches. I'm sure everyone knows about it, obviously in magazines. But the boys are also bruised from their brawl.

All In all, I climb out of the car and take my crutches. I've also bumped up phase two, and we're starting Friday. I wave bye as the boys drive home, and see Brianna waiting for me by the gates.

"What happened? There's all these fake stories about how Luke hit you or something and then the boys fought about it. So what's the real story?" she asks, looking me over and trying to hide her grimace.

"I'd rather not say, but no Luke didn't hit me. Well actually I don't know that but I'll tell you at lunch." she raises a brow as we walk in the front door and I start carrying my crutches.

"Maddie, shouldn't you use those?" the principal looks to me.

"I don't need them, the boys just want me to use them." he gives me a look and I sigh but get back in my crutches. The day goes by slowly as well, but I'd much rather be here than home.


I walk in to my next class early, it's also my last class. Ms. Delorge. Now, everyone calls me Maddie except her. It would be great if I could convince her to call me Maddie, so that's exactly what I'm working on.

"Need any help? I have to be here early anyways, but I don't need the crutches."

"What do you want Madison?" she looks at me from her glasses.

"Nothing, I just want to help." I give her the most fake smile ever, because I really want this.

"just go to the printer and get the worksheets I printed. Then tell me what you really want." she eaves me off, and I rush out. I leave my crutches so I'll be faster and grab the papers, rushing back to her room. She looks to me after thanking me, waiting for what I really want.

"Could you please call me Maddie? I know you don't do nicknames but-"

"Fine. If you stop bugging me. Maddie." I smile and thank her before quietly cheering to myself and taking my seat as the class fills in. Brianna takes her seat next to me, as Becca and Alyssa come in. They give me a look, but I can't exactly read it so I shrug It off. As the bell rings, the last few students straggle in and take their seats. Ms. Delorge starts to do roll call, and I smirk because I know she's going to call me Maddie.

"Maddie, Greene?" she knows I was here, but I smirk as the small gasps fill the room.

"Present." Brianna gives me a a look, asking how but I ignore the stares as class starts.


I forced the boys to let me walk home, much to their dismay. I go through the front doors and hear shuffling nearby, but ignore it as Luke jogs in with a smile on his face. Great.

"We have a surprise for you, hold on." a surprise? I wonder if he's gonna push me down the stairs. Okay, maybe I shouldn't think like that. He takes out a bandana from his pocket- probably Ashton's.

He ties it around my eyes and starts leading me somewhere, and I hear the other boys come out from a room, as they carry me outside. Now see, this would be kidnapping, but I'm technically their daughter. Well, not Luke's, thank god.

The ride is short, as they lead me inside, and mumble to someone nearby, and I'm guessing their leading us down to a certain room. We stop, and I hear a door open. The boys put me in, and rush out. Where am I? I remove my blindfold, and see the cutest sight. How did I not hear this?

I'm in a room full of puppies. They're little yips should have made me aware, but I guess I didn't notice. I get down on my knees and start playing with them. They're jumping and climbing on me, and I laugh as I grab a toy and try to play with them all, but there's so many.

I turn around to see the boys faces glued to the window outside, all cooing. Except Calum, he just pouts and looks like he wants to play with the puppies, and so I wave them in. Calum jumps up, rushing to open the door and get inside as I laugh.

"They're all so cute," Calum gushes, overwhelmed.

"Do you see one you like?" Luke questions and I shake my head, trying not to talk to him.

It's impossible to pick one puppy, they're all adorable and none of them have a home to go to. But there is one puppy who just sits, staring at me. It doesn't look unhappy, but it just stares, questioning this.

I pick it up and it dangles from my arms, squirming around. I laugh at him, yes it is a him. He's honestly really cute, as he yawns and lays on my lap. I watch him carefully, while still playing with some of the other puppies. It's sad tht not all of them will get a home, which is why I want them all.

Ha, 101 chocolate labs. Ha, I'm hilarious. I snort at myself but nobody notices, to caught up in the puppies. Honestly, this is a hard decision. But I think I've made it.

"I like this one." I point to the puppy laying on my lap and they nod, but raise their eyebrows.

"You sure?" I nod and they stand up, Calum saying goodbye to all of the puppies as we walk out, leaving the puppy in a bed until we return to get it. The lady at the front desk smiles at us as we walk into the room.

"Have you decided yet?" I nod and she leads takes us to get the puppy and I see him, sleeping on e bed still. I grab him and hold him up to her and she raises her eyebrows.

"Bear?" I nod.

"Is there a problem?" I question, wanting to make sure he's okay.

"No, it's just he's the last of his litter. We didn't think he'd get adopted. Bear is 4 months old, tomorrow." I sigh in relief that he's okay as I hold him close. She grabs a few collars and holds them out for me to pick one, and I grab the sleek black one with spikes because it will give Bear an edge. I laugh at myself.

She outs the collar on him with all his tags and hands me a black leash to go with it, as we all go to pick out toys and food. By the bed, we have a bed, a bunch of toys, food, bowls, and treats as we leave.

This turned out to be a pretty good day. Almost.



ROTC: Right now I'm reading hiccup by hemmofanatic and trust me I think you'll like it idk don't ask me I don't knOW YOU

Anyways, I might update again later, but maybe not. Ew I have school tomorrow guis kill me and ill write this from my grave pls and thank you. Hope you have a good rest of your day(-:

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