Thirty-Nine: Phase one

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I sigh as I turnoff my alarm, stretching my body out as I sit tiredly on my bed. You think that waking up for years to the sound of an alarm would make you used to it, but it's the same thing every time.

I hop out of bed and strip out of my pj's, getting into the shower and scrubbing my body clean. I shave and wash my hair, making sure that all the soap is out. I also wash my face before hopping out and drying my body, before putting my hair up in a towel and rushing out of the bathroom into my closet to pick out the perfect outfit.

Now normally I wouldn't really care much what I wore, but it's all part of the plan, and today Phase one starts taking place. The cool air of my bedroom hits my naked body and I search for an outfit that's completely me, but something cute.

I sort through so many clothes, none of them really standing out to me. The plan needs to start perfectly, so that it will hit them where they don't even notice it. I laugh as I see a 'Mrs. Horan' short in there and pass it, Deciding on just wearing a muscle tank type shirt. It says, 'No one likes a shady beach' on it and I smile, deciding I like it.

I slip in a pair of Aztec leggings and my grey vans. I grab my rubber bracelet that says 'meh' and slip it on, also putting on my necklace that says queen with a crown on the Q, before retreating to do my makeup.

I do a small cat eye with mascara and a bit of blush coating my cheeks. I coat my lips in a deep red lipstick. I smile at how it looks, and the fact I'll be the only one in the school wearing it. Nobody wears red lipstick, especially this bright. I do ,y hair in big beach waves and run my fingers rough, being happy with it.

I slip a red bow in my hair to match my lipstick, and grab my new phone case, slipping that onto it. As I am about to grab my bag and walk out the door, I remember one thing. I grab a pair of ray bans and slip those on, leaving my bedroom.

I make sure my lipstick is in my pocket incase I need it today, and then I head outside to wait for the one direction boys to pick me up, ready to meet Brianna at the gates. The boys pull up and I rush into their car, driving off to school.

"I see you took my advice, this is so much more you than all those skirts." Niall says and I smile, leaning onto Louis' shoulder. I won't see them for a while after this, and that actually really upsets me.

I sighs we pull up to the school and get out, I see Brianna waving to me, and she rushes over, joining our line. We're all wearing sunglasses and dressed as us, and Brianna dressed completely different since she wasn't with Lacey. She was wearing a flannel and black skinny jeans which suited her.

As we walking past the gates, I could feel the amount of eyes on us growing which made me a little sick, but as I saw Lacey and my old friends, my smirk was plastered back on my face as we all removed our sunglasses at once, fluffing our hair.

Now this was definitely one of those movie moments that everyone wants, and it even seems a bit cliche. But everything felt slow motion as we walked up those steps to the school, and some girls were freaking out as we were with one direction.

"See ya Madison, take care" Louis smiles at me first and pulls me In for a hug, I mumble something incoherent as our hug breaks apart. Next, Liam hugs me and we don't say anything, just hug for a moment of silence, and I can feel tears coming, but they're those tears where you don't know which emotion, and they don't even come out of your eyes.

"I'll miss you Mads, call me after school." Zayn says and I nod as we hug for a moment.

"Don't let them get to you." Harry whispers into my ear and I nod, us breaking apart. I have one goodbye left, Niall. We don't say anything, we just embrace each other as we stand in front of the school, silently speaking to each other. I grew attached to these boys in such short time, which I didn't want to happen.

"Keep doing exactly this, just be yourself. I'll miss you mads." he whispers in my ear before pulling away, and before I know it the one direction boys give me big grins. I watch them as they jog away from the school, reaching their car as Brianna and I head inside.

We walk through the school, knowing one of Lacey's minions is following us as we maneuver threw. I get stares from most people, and we hand out lollipops,that we had hidden to everyone, giving them compliments or apologizing for something bad that we've done, or telling them to have a good day.

See, phase one is to just be nice to people, make my own reputation and change Brianna's. It seems to be working well, as through the day and between classes people thank us and smile at us and we fist bump. I even get some people chatting us up, and wanting to talk. Brianna gets a few girls numbers as we go through the school to get to classes and sigh in relief.

The day flew by today, and we met some new people too. Everything went really well, even the classes that we had Lacey and her minions in, while they stared us down at lunch and in the halls. I haven't seen James all day, which I'll admit worries me a bit but I won't admit it. I walk home today, and get smiles from people that I pass.

"Hey, Madison. I wanted you to know I like your new style better." someone from my cooking class runs up to me and I smile, thanking them as I continue my walk. Today went surprisingly well, and it was a good day.

I walk up the stairs and into the front door of the house and see the boys are all in the kitchen. I smell something, but I can't really tell what it is. I walk over behind Calum, and jump onto his back, scaring him.

"Holy shit! Madison you scared me." he shrieks and I laugh, hopping down from his back, smile staying on my face.

"Someone had a good day." Michael comments and I nod, Luke still examining me.

"Since when to you wear bright red lipstick?" he asks and I shrug.

"Today." I say and he sighs, shaking his head. "Why, is there something wrong with it?" he raises his hands in defeat.

"I'm just saying, girls usually wear like a pink or something, I've only seen strippers and girls going out to parties wearing it." he grumbles and I gasp. It's just red lipstick, is he trying to call me a whore? I grab my lipstick from my pocket and put it all over his lips, and get a picture while grumbling. He is fuming.

"There, now we're both whores," I smile at him, not really minding it because he's Luke, and we've never really gotten along. He rushes off, leaving us all standing in the kitchen laughing until we feel our abs.


Double update surprise! It's 12:20am right now and I'm really proud, two updates before 3am, which is really good for me.

I'm sorry that this is a really boring chapter but it was phase one of Madison's plan and stuff for like revenge and ya. So It was important if you believe me or not.

I'm hella awkward at ending chapters, that's why I tend to do it when she falls asleep like look at this, I ended it so awkwardly and yes it is a bit shorter but you got a double update, be happy guys:D

ROTC: Intoxicated by fancying because that Luke fic is amazing. I feel like none of you even take my recommendations into consideration or check them out😂 should I put like a description of what the book is about with it, so you'll know if you like it?

Alright well I'm trying to get back into my school schedule, because I have to go back next Tuesday :-( please kill me. I will update this fic from the pits of hell, as long as you kill me so I don't have to go back.

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