Twenty-Seven: Freshman

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"Uh- Luke I was out with a friend. Didn't Ash and Michael tell you? They said it would be fine as long as I was back at a decent time." I explain, checking the time on my phone. It's only around 10:30 so I wasn't out too late, I mean I would've been up later than this is my bedroom..

"We'll talk about this tomorrow Madison. Just get to bed." he sighs running a hand through his hair and I go straight into my bedroom stripping down of these clothes and getting on some shorts and a tank top. I go into my bathroom and run the cold water, putting my face wash on. I then rinse my face with the cold water and climb straight into my bed falling asleep instantly.


I awake to the sound of my phone alarm going off and groan, shutting it off and laying in bed awake for a few minutes. I took a shower last night so honestly I don't need to take one this morning. After almost falling asleep a few time, I get out of bed and lazily put on the outfit I left out, with my black vans of course.

I then go and do my makeup, just my usual except today i decide on cat eye instead of a thin line. I follow through with the rest before straightening my hair. My hair is pretty straight on its own, but if I straighten it then it looks like it has volume and life. I look in the mirror and decide my side bangs are getting a bit long and just trim those.

I grab my phone and put it on vibrate and out it in my back pocket. I literally don't feel like doing anything today, I just want to sleep if anything. But I can't because it's a monday so I grab my bag and lazily sling it over my shoulder before leaving my bedroom to go downstairs.

School doesn't start until 8, and it's only 7:30. I'd like to be a little early so I have time to get to my classes. Today is a black day and tomorrow is red, meaning I don't have my favorite classes until tomorrow. I gasp, rushing upstairs and picking clothes for gym. I luckily remembered before it was too late. Today I have History and Gym as my first two classes.

I go back downstairs and grab an apple, telling the boys know I'm gonna walk to school because it's only about ten minutes walking distance. They nod but they don't go back to bed, which I assume means they have to do something with management and I can't go to the meeting with them today, I have school.

I start walking and I text Brianna, telling her that I'll be there soon. We have all started to meet at the front of the building instead now. As I walk, I acquire the early bird paparazzi following me and asking me pointless questions that nobody will even care about. Stupid questions really.

"What are your classes today?" why do they even need to know this?

"History, Gym, Science, and French. West side gym." I say sighing. This really gets tiring and I know I don't have to answer but it's just easier if you give them what they want. they follow me up the steps to the school and I get looks, people knowing that I was here. I should try to do a better job avoiding paps if I walk.

They leave me alone as I approach my friends and I sigh in relief. I hate being followed around constantly being asked questions about my life by them. It's honestly nobody else's business and they shouldn't worry about my life.

"Do you have to deal with that, like all the time?" Alyssa asks and I nod, as we check the time. 5 minutes to get to class so we part ways and I walk to history class. Alone. None of my friends are in that class but I have at least one in every other class. On my way to class I bump into someone, not paying attention.

"Watch it orphan Annie!" I look up to see a senior. I don't know any of their names but they apparently know I was adopted. But, doesn't everybody?

"Well apparently we both need to pay attention to our surroudings, because someone that was paying attention wouldn't just walk into someone." I come back. It's true, they obviously weren't looking either and it was just an accident, they didn't have to be a complete jerk about it.mi walk off, leaving the senior shocked that I said that to them.

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