Fifty-Nine: Makeups

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MAY 18th


It had been a while since everything had happened, and everyone had been distant and snappy. Michael and Calum were fine, but everyone else was terrible. Ashton and Luke were rarely home, and Ashton would usually come home somewhat buzzed or drunk.

Let just say management wasn't happy. But nobody cared.

Madison did hang out with people a lot, to try avoiding the boys of course. She's had fun, but she hasn't been the same. She has been a bit more quiet, trying to keep the drama down since there is enough of that at home.

Madison sat in her room watching funny movies, consisting of Liar Liar, Role Models, Step Brothers, and others. While Michael and Calum sat playing a card game of Uno downstairs, yelling at each other.

"Calum, that's not fair I don't have any yellows!" Michael whines, Calum smirking.

Then, Ashton sits somewhere in a noisy room with music playing in the background. He takes a sip off of his beer bottle and thinks about what has happened, and why they're still fighting about it.

Somewhere else Luke is playing mini golf, laughing with someone and forgetting everything that's happening at home, where he used to spend a lot of time. He was with her, the girl he met that night he kissed Madison, on accident. She turned out to be super sweet, and they had gone out a lot now.

Everything had gone downhill, but all good things come to an end.


I finished up my movie, and decided I should go downstairs and get something to eat. It was one if those days where I just didn't feel like doing anything, but at the same time I wanted to do everything.

I grabbed a bagel and popped it in the toaster, seeing Michael and Calum playing Uno at the table, Michael losing badly.

"Can you see my cards or something?!" Michael exclaimed, huffing as I walked our and looked from Calum's angle.

"Yes, change your angle he can see the colors." I confirmed without emotion and Calum's cheeks flushed, Michael groaning in frustration. They fought over that for a minute, as my bagel popped up.

I spread cream cheese onto it and then ate it, as Ashton walked into the house. He didn't smell too much, just vaguely like alcohol. It's been like this too often. I know he's not drunk right now, just a bit buzzed maybe.

Honestly, I don't know what we're waiting for anymore. Maybe we don't want to fix our problems that is causing too much problem in the house. Maybe we like our lives like this, we're fine with it. Or maybe we've just accepted it.

I figured out Luke and I's problem through me and Ashton's anger battle though. The reason Luke and I never really got along was just a personality clash. I was outgoing and loud, always stating my opinion and confident. Luke was somewhat quiet in public and wouldn't tell you things directly, and could use a bit of confidence. They were opposites, and that's our problem.

My personality fits perfectly with Michael and Calum's though. Ashton and I, our personalities are weird. They aren't the same, Ashton's is cheeky and confident. But we're supposed to have rocky clashes, and thats what this was.

I had been reading too much stuff online, but I guess it did make sense.

I decided to text Luke right now, and end some things.

To:Lip Ring

I'm going to make up with Ashton.

Was the thing I sent before walking over to Ashton, and dragging him to his bathroom upstairs. I didn't say a word to him, but I grabbed his tooth brush and brushed his teeth, then made him use mouth wash. I then sprayed him with his cologne before hugging him.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, but he heard me.

"Me too." I let a few tears slip. Ashton and I were really close, and he even stated growing a long beard I hadn't noticed.

"Is is gonna stop?" Ashton nods, and I hand him new clothes to change into so he looks like he used to. I go change in my room, and we end up downstairs with Michael and Calum. We look like we used to. He was wearing a muscle tank and black skinny jeans, with a bandana around his long locks.

I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a grey tank top and a flannel over it. We just sat down with Michael and Calum, and watched as Michael actually beat Calum this time.

Luke walked into the door, looking excited.

"I heard that you guys made up and I want you to meet someone. I've been spending a lot of time it's with her. Meet my girlfriend, Melissa." we watch as the girl walks into the house.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in lime turdy seven years but I've been busy and I've had writers block(due to this being so close to the end) is there any small things anyone wants to happen before I end this book, and make the sequel? (I don't want this story to end but I kind of wanted to do my epilogue haha oh well)

I'll probably update again tomorrow(technically today) because I'm so tired and its literally 1:30 am oops good thing tomorrow is Sunday

Yay I have a field trip Monday

Bye guys, sorry about not updating :/

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