Sixteen: Hurt

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I look up to all the boys with a guilty smile on my face. I am in so much trouble. I guess it's worth it though, this was so much fun. The err war wasn't even my idea in the first place actually, the One Direction boys kidnapped us and forced us to help, but who would turn down a nerf war? Especially one like that.

"Tell us everything that happened, from the moment you decided to draw all over us." I sigh and run my fingers through my long hair and wave them over to the living room. This is going to be a fun story to tell.

"Well, we were bored around 3am so we collected supplies and went to each of your rooms. You obviously know what we did to you three so I'll skip that. When we got to Luke, we didn't draw in him at all actually." I pause getting up and ripping Luke's beanie off of his head to earn three gasps, and then historical laughter. Luke just grumbles and I'm told to continue.

"Well, we spent the rest of the night in the game room, and when we heard you yell, we hid. Them someone found this uh secret passage so we went in as we heard your footsteps nearing the game room. We came to a fork in the rode and took right, only to be found near the park. We went back and turned left into a crawl space and eventually climbed up a ladder to a room showing monitors of every perimeter of this house." I pause and take a breath, looking at their shocked faces and laughing a bit.

"So, I noticed something and as I went to point it out, the lights were all turned off. We were screaming and couldn't find the way out, and I was the first to be grabbed, but slowly, one by one, the screams stopped and our vision faded to black. We woke up a half hour later only to see one direction kidnapped us to help them attack you so we got suited and came here. You know the rest." I smile wide and look at their shocked faces. Priceless!

"You went through all that today?" they ask and I nod and shrug.

"That's why you shot me and Harry when I was holding a gun to his head" Calum says, confirming it for himself. That boy, did he not hear me say 'and that's for kidnapping me' ? Either way, it was so much fun and I'll be looking forward to seeing those boys again.

"Well, you had to due my hair with Michael's hair dye? Why couldn't you just dye his hair?!" Luke shouts getting the attention of everybody and I shrug and get up to walk away. It probably would've been smarter to dye Michael's hair, but Luke's would be way funnier. And it definitely was.

"Madison, phone." Luke says and I stop dead in my tracks and turn to face him with a shocked look on my face. He did not just tell me to give him my phone. Why on earth, would I ever give Luke my phone?

"No." I say and cross my arms looking him dead in the eye and the other boys look anywhere but at the scene unfolding in front of them as Luke approaches me.

"What?" he asks face getting redder by the second. He doesn't seem like the guy to get angry but he does with me, a lot. "You heard me, no. I will not give you my phone." I stand my ground because I absolutely hate this boy with a passion.I feel his two hands grip me, trying to get my arms uncrossed but I don't budge. I'm not that easy. This is not happening.

"Luke just-" Calum starts to say. "What?!" Luke yells, turning to face him and elbows me straight in the face. I fall to the ground clutching my face because that really hurt. Luke turns to me with the most worried expression on his face ever and I stand up.

"Maddie, I'm so sorry I-" he starts. I don't let him finish of course because I hand him my stupid phone, luckily it has a passcode so they can't really do anything with it. I clutch my face, I will not cry in front of them.

"You win Luke." I mumble and run up the stairs, ignoring their yells and turn to see Luke's hurt face. Why should he be hurt? He's the one that elbowed me in the face out of anger. Shouldn't he be happy? I sigh and slam my door shut with all I can do with one hand and then lock it. I go to look at my face in the bathroom and gasp in horror.

My nose has started bleeding everywhere and my left eye has already started bruising. It hurts so much and now that I'm alone I let the tears fall. I can't even believe that this happened over me not giving him my phone. I would've given it to Ashton or someone else if they asked but I did not want to give it to Luke. Never, ever in a million years would I want to give it to Luke.

I hear a knock on my door and ignore it. "Madison, please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Luke pleads at my door and I sigh, going on my laptop in the purple egg chair and completely ignoring him.

"Madison, please. It was an accident." he continues to pleads at my door. Doesn't he realize that I'm not going to let him in? He tries to open my door but I locked it so it just moves a bit for a few minutes before I hear his footsteps walk away. I see that it's about 4 and log on to 'This is why I'm broke' and look at all the outrageous things on there, laughing a bit to myself.

There's even a chupacabra skeleton on there and it looks just like a monkey. These are some weird things but some of them are actually pretty cool. I scroll through and look for anything to make me laugh but when I see a giant boob bounce house I log off and hear yelling from downstairs.

"Really Luke?! You couldn't be calm about getting her phone you had to get all angry and then elbow her in the face?!" I hear someone - Calum yell.

"Luke you can't just hit someone, especially a young girl who we all adopted! So what if she didn't want to give you her phone, she's a teen girl you can't jet expect her to be okay with it!" Ashton shouts at him. They're really mad at him. Good, he deserves it.

"It was an accident! She was pretty willing to give us her phone the other night!" Luke shouts and yes I was, but I knew you guys wouldn't keep it.

"That's because she handed it to me, and she knew that with those adorable puppy eyes she already had us. She knew she was going to get her phone!" Michael yells and yup, told you. I hear them say something about dinner and I assume they're going to make it. I haven't eaten anything all day actually and surprisingly I don't really want to. I decide to go on will you press the button .com for about an hour or so.


"Madison, please come downstairs for dinner. You need to eat, I didn't hear eating on that explanation earlier. Please Madison." Luke pleads at my door and I throw my hair brush as hard as I can at the door. He needs to leave me alone.

"Please, we're having pizza." he sighs. "Go away Luke." I grumble angrily and he sighs walking away. About a half hour hater there's a knock on my door and Ashton says he's just going to leave pizza out there for me. I wait about ten minutes before retrieving it and eating it before climbing into bed, yes at 7pm, and falling into a deep slumber.


I'm sorry I had to make that happen it just had to happen.


Btw, the story isn't nearly done so I may have some time skips because I have a lot left and we're already on chapter sixteen so....

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