Thirty: Day with Ash

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I hear the back door open shortly after and I sigh. I don't want to talk to anyone right now, and I just want to be alone. These boys really bug me, and when I walk away I want to be alone. Do they not understand this?

"Madison," I'm relieved when I see Ashton, out of everyone in this god damn house. Yes, I am a bit upset because he did still yell. I hate being yelled at, like a lot. "They all left. I'm sorry, and they're all sorry too." he says, looking down. I feel a little bad about this I mean, yes he did yell, but I lied directly to him. Well sort of. But you get the point.

"It's okay." I say and he looks up, his face is one of relived and happiness. I smile at him and he returns it, pulling me in for a hug. This feels better, much better. Besides my ribs but that's okay I guess.

"Wanna make brownies?" he smirks and I nod, we rush inside and get out all of the supplies, and by the time the brownie batter is mixed it's already almost 1. I pour the mix in the pan and stick it in the oven. We also put peanut butter in the mix so this'll be really good. I stick my finger in the leftover mix stuck to the bowl, and wipe it on Ashton's nose.

"Oh you did not just do that Mads." I smirk.

"Oh, but I did." and before I know it, he smears a bunch of leftover mix all over my face and I gasp. Taking the bowl from him and getting it in his hair.

"Mads!" he shouts giggling and I run away from him, leaving the bowl on the counter. I rush outback and stop by the pool, panting. I then feel him wrap his arms around me laughing before he jumps into the pool, and we're both soaked. I come up to see Ashton just giving me a big smile and then he disappears under the water. That was fun, but he hurt my ribs a bit.

He cleans out his hair, then pulls me under. I open my eyes and wave to him, before surfacing and leaving the pool. I grab two towels and go bring one to Ash.

"Let's go get the brownies." I nod and we walk inside laughing and bumping into each other on purpose. We take the brownies out and get milk before cutting the brownies. I take a bite and it tastes delicious.

"These are really good, high five." Ashton says and I laugh before high-fiving him. We finish off our brownies and milk before sitting around for a few minutes.

"Let's go out and do something, twenty minutes?" I nod, rushing upstairs to change and get ready for whatever ashton has planned. I throw on a black t-shirt with a flannel over it and some frayed jean shorts. I throw on my galaxy converse and leave, going to do my makeup and hair.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun, because who has time for anything else? I do a light pink lip gloss and some mascara and a bit of eye shadow and leaving my bedroom, phone in my back pocket. I see ash waiting downstairs and he grabs the keys and we go climb into the car.

"Where we going ash?"

"You'll see." I sigh. Everything always has to be a surprise with everyone. Everyone always surprises me, and I hate waiting to findout what the surprise is. But I guess that's okay, because it ends up worth it in the end. We pull up to a roller skating rink and I am bouncing off the walls by the time we get inside, and Ashton chuckles and looks amused by me. I probably would be too though.

"Ready?" I nod and rush inside, he pays for the skates and we lace them up quickly getting into e rink. I drag him in.

"I'm not the best at this" he laughs as I pull him around the roller rink and I shrug.

"Does it matter? You aren't falling." I spoke too soon, because a few seconds later he falls and I try to contain my laughter, but it just doesn't work.

"You jinxed me." he pouts and I help him back up, and he huffs and eventually gets the hang of it and we're racing through, dodging the small amounts of people and laughing. I haven't gone roller skating in a while, so this is fun. But, I bump into Ashton and hurt my ribs as we both fall to the ground with a groan.

"Well that was fun." we get up and laugh it off, before being stopped by a small group of girls my age.

"Ashton can you sign our phone cases?" one asks smiling and he takes the sharpie, signing all of their phones before taking individual pictures with them. I smile, their fans are so nice and the boys are sweet back to them. After they take pictures we get back to roller skating to some random songs from the 60's. That's okay, because we're having fun.

"Oh my god this is so much fun" I laugh, skating around.

"Isn't it?" he smirks at me and I shove him a little bit.

"Catch me if you can." I bolt away from Ashton and rush through everyone, bolting around. Old people give us dirty looks but I don't even care. I'm having too much fun to care right now actually.

We spend all day at the roller rink, and we leave when the sun is setting. Of course, we can't end the perfect day without getting I've cream, can we? So we pull up to a parlor and head inside, looking at all the different flavors we could get, and I finally decide.

"I'll take a medium moose tracks please" I speak up and someone starts getting my bowl together and comes out with it.

"Ill take a medium chocolate" he says and when they come out he hands them money and we to sit down in a corner of the parlor and talk for a while, eating our ice cream as the sun sets around us, and it's pitch black outside now.

"Thanks for cheering me up today Ashton." I say as we walk out of the parlor and get into the car again.

"No problem" he smiles and we pull up at the house after a few minutes and walk inside to see the other boys are home, eating our brownies.

"One, these brownies are amazing. , and two, where were you guys all day?" we laugh at them attacking our brownies.

"Out." Ashton says before dragging me upstairs and leaving the boys confused. It's about 10 now, and I have school on the morning as well I remember now. Ashton hugs me as we reach my room and says goodnight.

As he's about to close the door, I speak up. "Night ash. Love you." leaving him to shut the door, in shock. But I know that he heard it.


She told ash she loved him😱

Anyways it's almost 4am and it took me two hours to write this and I'm tired so goodnight.

THANKS FOR 10K YOU'RE THE BEST GUYS. when I started this I didn't expect to get maybe 100 reads, so thank you so much, I couldn't thank you enough really. So everyone take a cookie and a slice of pizza.

ROTC: this one has to go to The Chase by bubblesirwin because I am on the sequel and I literally cannot get enough of it like yasssssss.

Well, I'm really tired and the sun will be up in an hour, so I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnighttttttt

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