6.Bigger Problems

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"That kid from last night, Jimin, he's a new kid at my school."

All the boys widen their eyes and look at each other.

Namjoon walks over to me.

"What do you mean?"

I roll my eyes, stupid fucking question.

"He is a new student at my school. I wanted to beat his ass during class after he took a piss but I'd rather not get a detention. He said he wouldn't out me if I didn't out him so I just have to be careful."

Suga stands up and groans and I look at him.

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

He shakes his head.
"I'm not tired. Did he say what he wanted. What's his plan?"

"I don't know, he didn't say. I can figure it out though. I know who his friends are."

They nod and all have a thinking face on. I sigh and walk into the kitchen looking for food. I haven't eaten anything all day so I'm starving.
As I'm about to ask about food, Namjoon tells us tonight's plans.

"Okay tonight we have some orders to fill so we'll go at around 11. Taehyung-"

He walks over to me and stands in front of me.

"You stay here. Understood?"

I nod and walk to the fridge. They all go to wherever they need to go as I rummage through the fridge.

"Have you eaten?"

I turn around and see Hoseok. I shake my head and keep looking only pulling out juice. As I walk away with my juice he goes to the fridge and pulls stuff out.

"I'll make you something. Why didn't you eat at lunch?"

I grab a glass and look at him.
"I didn't feel like eating at the time."

He shakes his head as I see him start to make something. I fill my cup and sit and watch him.
"So, have you made any friends?"

Jungkook comes to mind immediately and I smile a little at the thought of him. I shake it off. We're basically enemies right now so...

"There's this one kid but we just bicker all the time so we don't consider ourselves as friends?"

He nods and looks at me."What's his name?"

Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook. My mind repeats.

I shrug and look at my glass, "I don't even remember."

I usually tell Hoseok everything. But I feel like this is something I should keep to myself for now, I just don't know why.

He nods and passes me a sandwich.
"Finish eating then do whatever work you have."

I nod and look at him smiling softly.
"Thank you hyung."

"No problem. I'll talk to you later."

I nod and bite into my sandwich. I was really hungry.
Jk's p.o.v


As I'm in the school parking lot walking to Jin's car, I hear someone call my bane. I turn around to l see some random kid running up to me with some girls following. I stop to face him.

"Oh, um hey . . ." Shit. I forget his name. think think think.
"Josh!!" I sigh as I remember and repeat his name.

"Josh, hey man. Josh, Joshy, Joshrey. Wassup?"

He gives me a weird look but still smiles.

"Hey Jungkook, have you heard about my party tonight?"

I furrow my eyebrows. A party?? How come I'm not informed about anything anymore.

"No, I haven't actually." As Josh is about to speak a girl that followed him over walks closer and rests her hand on my bicep.

"Kookie??" She whines as she pouts and gives me puppy eyes. I kinda wanna flick her away but instead I hum in response as I look at her.

"You should come to the party. Josh ordered some candy for us and maybe we can take it together, no?"

Drugs? Hmm I've never actually taken any. Fuck it, girls, drinks, drugs, dancing, music. Maybe Taehyung will be there. But who cares if he is or isn't, I sure don't.

I give her a fake smile and shrug and look at Jeff.

"Yeah, I'll be there." After a minute I pry her off my arm and I see Jin getting into the car. I look over at the girls and smirk and wink at them and I wave at Jeff as I walk to the car and get in.

"What was that about?"
I smile and look at him.

"We're going to a party tonight Jinny." I say excitedly. I haven't been to a good party in a while.

"Finally, I was aching for a good dance." We both laugh as he starts to drive me back home.
"Thanks for driving me. Don't forget about the party. Pick me up at around . . .11."

He nods and I walk into my house. I run to my room and try to finish whatever work I have. My phone distracts me as people tweet about the party and girls message me left and right.

I smile to myself as I think about all the girls that will be dancing with me. Just imagine. Dancing, drinking not a care in the world. Everyone will be there -even V- dancing and drinking. The thought of him getting sweat-What?! What am I saying!?

Don't think like that Jungkook, that's- not- it doesn't sound right. And you're not like that.

I text Jimin

Jungkook: we're going to a party tonight. You coming?

I wait and after a few minutes he responds

Jimin: totally. I'll be there.

I nod and text some people as I wait for it to get later so I can get ready.

Taehyung's p.o.v

"Namjoon hyung!"

I run down the stairs excitedly. I turn into the kitchen and see him talking with Yoongi hyung.

He sees me, sighs, and rolls his eyes.

"Taehyung what do you want. We're in middle of something."

"Where are your orders tonight?"

He looks at me questioningly and his eyebrows furrow.

I sit by them and lean back in my chair.

"There's a party tonight and the host is saying that he's buying some stuff for it. If he's buying from us I can help you deliver by going to the party."

Namjoon looks like he's considering it then looks at me.
"What if your little friends notice you. What if they find out-"

"They won't." I cut him off.

Namjoon sighs. "Fine. You go to your party and deliver the package and you can stay after and party if you want."

I nod, happy with his answer.

"Make sure that nobody sees okay Taehyung. I'm serious. Your going to school for a reason. I don't want you getting too involved. Your still young and I want what's best for you. I'm still your hyung. Remember that."

I nod not knowing what to say and a little touched by his words.

"I know. Thank you for trusting me with this."

Namjoon and Yoongi stand up.
"Don't make me regret it." They walk off somewhere else in the house.

I sigh happy with the outcome and head upstairs to get ready. I'll need a disguise for the beginning of the party so I should start now.

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