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My eyes are closed, but I'm awake. I've been for half an hour, but I like to enjoy the comfort of my bed for a while before I get up.
I also like to meditate.
I slowly open my eyes and look around. My room was what you would describe as ' fit for a princess '.

And I was a princess.

I mean my dad wasn't a king or anything like that.

We were just so rich, we had the luxury comparable to a royal family.
I was a princess because I felt like a princess and every one treated me like one.
I sat up on my bed, still in my flimsy night wear. I pushed the blue button by my bed and within minutes, there was a tap on my door.
"Madam Danielle" Edwardo says from behind my door.
" come in Edwardo" I answer.
He opens the door gently and strolls in. He places a tray containing a glass of warm water and a mug of coffee beside me, and I nod in appreciation.
Edwardo was my male servant and it was part of his duty to bring me warm water and coffee every morning.

"Tell Clara to come clean my room and make my bath in twenty minutes" I tell him.
"Yes Madam Danielle" he says but waits for further instructions.
I take the gulp of the warm water and shoo him away with my other hand.
Couldn't he tell I was done talking to him. Did I have to tell him when to leave too?
Ugh! These servants could be so annoying. Must I do everything for them!
Edwardo gives a small bow and leaves my room.
I check my phone and see that I have texts from my two best friends and my boyfriend.
They were texting about plans for our movie night. We always had movie night every Saturday.
They were all also from wealthy homes.
Of course they were. I wouldn't ever mingle with anyone below my class.

My father was a successful business man with assets worth billions of dollars. I was his only child, so yes, I guess I was a bit over pampered.
My mother died when I was seven, but I still think about her everyday.
I miss her so much. I placed a framed picture of her beautiful face on my night stand so I can be with her everyday.
I know my dad misses her too.
He has had a long list of girlfriends since then, but he never remarried. They were all just a distraction from the pain. No one could be as wonderful as my mom. No one. Not even me.

Anyways, about my Dad never remarrying, I was fine with that. He made me the center of his world. Which I loved to be.
I stand up and twirl around smiling at my self in the mirror.
I was seventeen, incredibly beautiful with blonde hair and grey eyes. I had all that a girl could ask for.
"I love my life" I say and wink at my reflection.
Another knock on my door snaps me out of my little drama.
"Good morning Miss Danielle"
It was my maid, Clara.

Ugh! Must I always be bothered!

"Go away Clara!" I yell

"But Monsieur Edwardo said you want me to come clean room and make bath" she replies.


Has it been twenty minutes already?
Jeez why is time always in a hurry.
"I'm busy right now Clara. Go and come back in Thirty minutes!" I snap
"Okay Madam Danielle" she says and I hear her fading foot steps.

I turn back to myself in the mirror.

Yeah, I was busy appreciating myself.

Clara returns in exactly thirty minutes and cleans my room. She makes me a nice warm bubble bath and I give her a warm smile.

That should make her day.

By the time I step out of my room, its almost 10am and I'm dressed comfortably. I know breakfast must have been served hours ago but I'd just ask the cook to make me some spaghetti.

I meet my father in our large living room, sitting like he was waiting for someone.
That was odd. He should be in one of his business parties today being Saturday. Did he want me to go with him? I was in no mood to put up with one of his dumb girlfriend's while he talked with his business associates. He dates the most annoying women.

"Hi Dad" I say with a bright smile
He looks at me but didn't smile back.
Now that was double odd.

He usually scoops me in his large arms and lifts me to his height to give me the warmest hug and let me tell you, the man is huge and I got my average height from my mom. So I feel like a toddler again when he does that.
I see my dad like twice a week. Yes he is a workaholic but I love him anyways.
The last time I saw him was three days ago, so I'm shocked at his not very warm greeting.

"Dad? Did someone die?" I blink in confusion. That has got to be the only reason my Dad would treat me this way.
He throws a brown folder on the table and raises his hand in the air in frustration.

"I get you the best private teachers Danielle! And this what you give me in return? That just came in the mail" he says sternly, pointing at the envelope on the table.

He only calls me Danielle when he is really upset.
He always calls me Cher.
Shocked to my bones, I slowly get up to grab the envelope. My Dad has never been this upset with me.

What could be in the envelope?

A pregnancy test result?
Oh shit am I pregnant?
Did my dad take my blood sample while I was asleep and go test it?
No wait, that's creepy. He wouldn't do that.
Wait, I'm still a virgin. Marcus and I plan to have sex only after we get into college.
So I'm not pregnant.

Then what is in the envelope?

"Well are you gonna take a look at what's in it?" My father snaps and I jump a little.
I quickly pulled out the paper in the envelope and stared at it.
It was my SAT result.

I failed.


I furrow my brows.

"This is the third time Danielle. You have written this exam three times since your sophomore year. You have failed each time. All your friends have passed! Including that pig headed Marcus. what more can a man do for his child? You have everything Danielle! so what is the problem? don't you want to go to college? Tell me!" he sounded so frustrated.
I felt so bad for letting him down.
But I felt angry that he blamed me for this.

Why wouldn't I want to go to college?
Of course I want to go to college.
I want a bright future too.
I just couldn't pass the stupid exam.
I couldn't!
Tears flowed down my cheek.

" Well , thanks dad . Thanks for letting me know I'm worse than a pig head" I mutter sniffing back my tears.

His face fell

" I didn't say, I didn't mean, Mon Cher, its just so hard. I try so hard to give you all you need to be successful and it just feels like I'm not doing this right. I don't know what to do anymore". He says moving closer to me. I step back.

"You think I'm not trying too? Do you know how it feels to fail repeatedly even though you try your best? I already feel like a failure dad and you come here and rub it in my face!" I cry and my tears were uncontrollable now.
"Its times like this I wish mom wasn't gone" I say finally. His eyes widen in shock but it quickly turns into sadness. I turn and practically run away from him, to my room.
I heard him mutter a 'me too' right before I left.

I broke into sobs on my bed. I quickly texted my friends that movie night was cancelled and then switched off my phone.
I cried for almost an hour. To think I was in such a good mood this morning. Now everything is such a mess.
I get up and do the one thing that always comforts me.
I grab my mother's picture from the night stand and move to my music corner and sit in front of my piano. I place her picture in front of me and start to play, and sing too.

 I place her picture in front of me and start to play, and sing too

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