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"What the fuck are you doing barging into my room like this!" I screamed, getting up from my bed.

I was dressed in a tank top and tight jean shorts.

I got up to face the intruder and I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"What the fuck are you even doing in my house! How the hell did you get in?" I screamed even more.

Eric, who of course was the rude intruder, remained calm.

I hated when he was extremely calm no matter how upset I was.

"Hey slow down little girl. One question at a time okay? And please, watch your language"

His hands were in his pockets and he strolled ever so elegantly to my bedroom sofa and sat down, placing his legs on the table in front of it.

Marcus got up.

"Hey man who the fck do you think you are! Get out of here before I call the cops" He yelled

"I think its you who needs to get the fck out of here, because I am here to tutor Danielle, as her father employed me to. And you young man, are a distraction "
Eric said shooting Marcus a glare.

My eyes widened.

Oh no.

My father won't dare do something like this to me.

I stared at Eric in disbelief. He was lying.

Him? My tutor?

Over my dead body!

"You are lying"

Eric chuckled.

"I am sure Mr Crane already told you about it. But being the nonchalant girl that you are, you probably didn't bother to ask for the identity of your new tutor" he said with a smirk.

Marcus slowly sat down on the bed.

"Well that doesn't give you the right to barge into her room like that. Or order me out of my girlfriend's room!" His voice was laced with anger.

Eric shrugged.

"I didn't barge. I knocked and then I came in since you two were too busy to respond"

I was already calling my father.

"Dad! Is my new tutor that idiot whom you know for a fact that I cant stand!" I yelled immediately he answered the phone.

"Yes dear. I thought I told you" my father responded worriedly.

"No you didn't. How could you do this dad? I hate him I can't-"

Someone yanked my phone off my hands.
I looked up to see Eric holding my phone. He had ended my call.

Me eyes widened as I stared at him in shock.

He flung the phone to the couch, and my eyes grew bigger.

Oh how dare he?

"Listen to me. You hate my guts, I cant stand you. That's old news. Lets get over it okay? The sooner we stop exchanging insults and start making progress on your SAT preparation, the sooner we can both part ways, and hopefully never have to see each other again.
I have tutored a lot of people, and I'm not bragging when I say every single one of them has passed whatever tests I was tutoring them for excellently. Now if you really do want to pass this exam, go to college and make a life for yourself instead of being a daddy's girl all your life, then I'd advice that you stop whining and ask your little boyfriend to get out, so we can commence this tutoring immediately."
He paused and stared deep in my eyes and I thought I saw sincerity in those intense eyes.

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