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Monday morning,
I was in no mood to go to school. What's the point right?
Its senior year and everyone was looking forward to graduation.
I wasn't.
I couldn't get into a standard college without passing my SATs, and dad was determined not to push any buttons to get me in. I really didn't want him to anyways. I would only feel like more of a loser if he did.

Maybe I should just give up on college.

I could be a model.

Or a musician.

Or I could just open my own fashion line.
I do have superb dress sense.

I slip on my glittery heels and take one last look at myself in the mirror.
My hair was wrapped in a bun and I had very little make up on.
I was in no mood for make up ,
Or anything.

I walk out of my room and out of the house. Headed for school.

Marcus was waiting for me by my locker and I could basically see worry plastered on his face as I approached him.
I forced a smile and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
He folds his arms over his chest like a strict parent scolding their child.
"Hi?. Really? First of all you cancel movie night without any explanation whatsoever, Then you send me  zero texts since yesterday. I decide to call , and you ignored my calls all day yesterday, no call backs, and now all I get is a kiss on the cheek and hi? What's up Danielle?" He says seriously his amazing blue eyes showing frustration.

Marcus was a great boyfriend,
I mean every girl wanted him and I guess I was lucky because he chose me .
He was captain of the basket ball team and incredibly handsome. Tall, with broad shoulders and a charming smile that could make any girl melt.
He had golden yellow hair, sea blue eyes and then there was the fact that his father was the Governor.

We had been dating since middle school and everyone in our school knew us as a couple. I would admit people respected me even more after I started dating him.
I loved Marcus and I knew he loved me, but sometimes I just liked to keep things to my self.

"I'm just in a bad place Marc. Don't worry about it" I replied calmly. I opened my locker, got out my books and slammed it shut, making Marcus frown.

I started to walk away but he pulls me back gently.
" really? You are still like this? You are like a lock box Danielle. You keep a lot to yourself! I am your boyfriend for fcks sakes. I have been for three years. Is it too much to want to know why my girlfriend is in a bad place. " He was upset.
That was a mistake he made frequently.
He gets upset because I am upset and I don't tell him why I'm upset, then I get more upset because he is upset that I'm upset.

I know, its a cycle.

I sigh deeply and bit my lower lip as if contemplating what to say.
"I failed my SAT again Marc. I'm just trying to get over it okay? " I say and walk away from him.

During Lunch, Caroline and Maggie, my two best friends started interrogating me the moment we were sitting in our usual spot, with our food.
Caroline was first to speak. She was the smart one in our group. She aced all her tests and got a very high score on her first attempt at the SAT. She had long curly red hair. She was tall , slim and absolutely gorgeous. Did I mention her parents were rich too?

The girl had it all.

"Marcus is upset Danielle. What did you do?" She queried with wide eyes.

"Yes. He says he isn't joining us at our table because you got him upset again. You really have to stop doing that Danielle. Or some girl might take him away from you one day" Maggie says blinking her huge eyes which showed worry.

I frown.

"What are you girls even saying!" I snap "You should be on my side. Marcus acts like a big baby and we all know it. He is upset because I'm upset. That's silly. And FYI , no girl can take him away from me. Unless I decide to let him go " I state confidently.

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