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He didn't show up. His phone was also not reachable.

He chose her.

He chose her over me.
Even when I pretended to be sick, he still f cking chose her!

I've been nothing but a good and sweet girlfriend to him.
I've been the perfect girlfriend that could do no harm.

Well no more. No more pretending to be a good girl. If he likes bad girls, I can be bad.
I can be the worst.

For now all I had to do was hope.
Hope he wouldn't find her.
Hope she disappeared forever.

The tears flowed down my face.

How did this happen?

I was so happy with the love of my life.
I was the love of his life too.
Then she showed up and ruined everything! Ruined everything that is my happiness. Eric was the only thing that made me happy. Now there was a chance I could loose him.


I broke down sobbing.

My mother was such a narcissist and it was her fault I developed anxiety.
She wanted me to be the perfect daughter at all times. She complained about every little mistake I made.
I tried to be perfect for her but it seemed I couldn't do anything right in her eyes.
My father had left us because of her narcissism but she blamed me for it.
I developed anxiety because of her.
I was so broken until I met Eric.

He loved everything that I was and accepted me completely.
He made me so happy and I wanted to be better for him.
I wanted to be perfect for him. I didn't want to be an anxious mess. I had to do everything, everything to make sure I was the perfect girlfriend so I wouldn't loose him.

Things were going so well. I was sure we were going to get married.
But then that bitch showed up and My Eric lost his mind.
He f cking lost his mind!

I was panicking. I couldn't bear the thought of loosing Eric. My anxiety was overwhelming me now and I curled into a ball on my bed as several thoughts raced through my head.

I didn't want Danielle dead. I just wanted her far away from me and Eric.

What was that fat lunatic going to do with her?

Yes I saw him.
I saw him take her.

I saw him because I was stalking Eric.
I had followed Eric and watched in my car, from a distance as he dropped Danielle off at her house party. Then he stayed in the car for hours just staring at her house. I was furious seeing him stare at her house like that.
What was going through his mind?
I stayed calm and watched him.

Thankfully, he drove off and didn't go into the house.

I'd have gone mad if he did.

Then I saw her come out of the house a few moments after he left. She was looking for him. The stupid bitch. Did she think he would come in her house?. She started sobbing. The stupid brat started sobbing because of Eric!
I hoped she cried her eyes out, stupid bitch!

I watched as she got into her car and drove off in full speed.
I followed her, keeping a good distance so she wouldn't notice. She was driving recklessly.

I hope you run into a tree you idiot!

I saw another car follow her more closely.

It was strange how closely the car followed her. The driver was being so obvious.

Was it someone she knew?

She drove to the local park and jumped out of her car and ran into the empty park.

MY SPOILT BRATWhere stories live. Discover now