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I TRAVELED WITH A GUARD to the address my co-worker Maria provided. I had barely slept at all: what if her sister didn't want to be a seamstress? Time was running out and this seemed to be my only option. The plan needed to go perfectly. When I arrived, I was surprised to be greeted in the warm, loving arms of a middle-aged woman. She seemed overjoyed to have my company, something I wasn't used to.

"I'm so glad to have another girl in the house again; Maria told me all about you. I'm Beatrice but please, call me Bea. Come in, come in."

Inside was a younger version of Maria, her little sister Lydia. As Sixes, their home was small, but somehow much more comforting than my foster family's had been. I already felt at home and was happy to be spending my week-off here.

Bea had set a warm meal on the table, so she ushered me to sit with them. There wasn't much food, so I ate slowly. Not knowing how much they knew, I started: "I have an offer for Lydia..." Bea cut me off. "Maria explained everything, Lydia would love to work with her sister. Oh, you'll make a beautiful princess!" I ducked my head shyly. "I don't even know if I'll get in yet..." Then I looked up. "But I need to try, right?"

I turned to Lydia, trying to put all of my sincerity in my eyes. "If I am selected, are you absolutely sure you want to take my place as a palace seamstress? You'll have to stay there at least two more years, when my employment contract ends..." Lydia took my hand. "Liliana, working in the palace is a huge honor for a Six, and I really do miss my sister. This isn't a problem at all, though I will miss my mother." At that, Bea smiled sadly and took a breath. "It's only for two years, after all. Anything to help you, sweetheart."

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them back. "I'm just so grateful you... you don't even know me and you're being so nice I... This is my dream." I stopped myself, feeling embarrassed. "We need to stay together, as Sixes." Bea said, a small smile on her lips. And similar to when I sewed with the other seamstresses, I felt a sense of unity. I nodded shyly and finished my meal in silence.

I helped them with the chores and, before bed, we played board games together. I had never had a true family and suddenly, I felt a wave of envy for those who had. The next day was spent pretty much the same, except that when night came, I could barely sleep. Tomorrow was Friday and the selection would be announced on the Illéa Capital Report. Then, I would finally get to fill out the form I kept in my luggage. Lydia would not get an invitation to enter, as she was a few months too young, yet I wondered if she would have wanted to enter, too.

On Friday evening, we went to the local general store where they were broadcasting the Report. Like all the Sixes, Sevens, and Eights, we couldn't really afford a television, so we sat on the ground and locked our eyes on one of the two screens of the store. The anthem came on and my heart fluttered. Everyone around me let out a sigh or yelled out his name when they saw Milo Ren, Master of Events. I was more excited to catch a glimpse of the prince sitting besides his mother, Queen Cordelia.

King Theodore came on and discussed the tension with France, updates on the war with New Asia, and news on the latest rebel attacks. Some people around me yawned at this, but I watch intently, taking everything in. These will be part of my main concerns as a potential future queen, if I got in.

Those who were bored instantly lit up when Milo passed the microphone to Prince Ethan Shreave. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he smiled and put a lock of hair behind his ear. His voice was buttery and sweet as he finally announced that he would be holding a selection. "Yes Milo, thirty-five young ladies, one from each of Illéa's provinces, will be randomly selected to participate in the selection. The winner will become a princess, and my future wife."

"This sure is exciting news, prince Ethan. How are you feeling about all this, nervous?" Prince Ethan seemed to think it through. "I am a little nervous, I must admit. But I will do my best to choose the best future queen for my country, as well as a wife whom I can spend my life with." "Hopefully you'll find both of those things in the same girl!" Milo said, jokingly. "I'm sure I will." The prince was firm.

"In two weeks, we will meet the 35 selected Daughters of Illéa, and on behalf of the royal family, I encourage every eligible young women to place their names in the lottery. Goodnight Illéa!" Right before the screen cut off, Prince Ethan smiled brightly and warmed mine and probably many other girl's hearts.

That night, I didn't have trouble sleeping. Tomorrow, I would be filling out my application.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now