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I WAS GUIDED TO THE dressing area, where there was a clothing rack with my name on it. I was so excited I had to suppress a squeal. Before I could look through them, I noticed that the girl who's rack was beside mine looked visibly torn.

"Do you need help?" I asked her, trying to sound as friendly as possible. She turned to me and locked her blue-green eyes on mine. As most of the other girls, she was completely gorgeous. She had opted for an even more natural look, brown tones with a raspberry lipstick, in her case. She sighed.

"I'm afraid I have no sense of style at all. Back home, I only wear suits! How am I to know which dress is appropriate?" She looked at me, panic in her eyes. I laughed softly. "You just need a day dress." I said, looking through her rack. She had a variety of neutral colors, with a few turquoise or red gowns tossed in there. I grabbed a knee-length, cream-colored day dress that would complement her darker skin tone and handed it to her. "This one is nice."

"You're a life saver." She said, a warm smile on her face. "How are you so good at this?" I shrugged. "I'm a seamstress."I used to be, I thought. She rolled her eyes comically. "And they say Threes are the scholars! You definitely ought to have a diploma in fashion." She laughed. "I'm Gwen, by the way." She went for a handshake. "Luna." I said. We exchanged a smile and she went to change while I finally got to look through my gowns.

My selection of gowns was almost exclusively in pastel colors. I felt my heart soar, and wondered if I could ever pick a favorite. I went for a cap sleeved, cinched at the waist , mint day dress and paired it with a pair of short heels. The stylist came to ask how I found my new look, and I replied that it was absolutely perfect. I really did feel quite confident. I was told that the final step was to take an "After" picture, then speak with a reporter for the makeover special that they would air on Wednesday.

"So, Lady Luna, how do you feel about your makeover?"

I tensed up a bit, not used to be on camera. "I think cutting my hair shorter was a great idea. The palace stylists are extremely talented." I smiled, probably awkwardly. "My favorite part are the dresses, I'm so grateful to whoever made these."

The reporter nodded. "You definitely choose a good one. Now, how do you feel about your competition?" I thought. "Even though there are thirty-four girls, they are all so very unique. I'm sure that whatever Prince Ethan is looking for, he will find it here." She raised an eyebrow. "And are you hoping to be what he's looking for?" I chimed up. "Of course, but all I can do is be myself. I want him to like me for me." She turned off the camera and said that will be enough, as she had to fit all the other girls in the tight time-frame.

I noticed Gwen and went to sit down on the circular couch, besides her. "You look great in that dress." I commented. "I had a professional stylist choose it for me." She winked at me playfully. "You look amazing too. Can you believe were here?" She looked around, completely in awe. I learned that she had just graduated in psychology, and was working in her father's practice. "I'm very observant." She said, nodding her head. "Point to any girl, and I'll give you a psychological assessment of her." Just for fun, I pointed to a girl whom I did not recognize, with curly brown hair and glasses. Gwen seemed to think for a moment. "Ah, Claire, if I remember correctly. Crippling social anxiety, not comfortable around crowds; probably prefers the company of books." Sure enough, as if on cue, Claire looked around the room and headed towards the bookshelf. We both giggled. "You're good at this!"

When all the girls' makeovers were finished, a middle-aged woman who had been looking around the whole time clapped her hands. "All right ladies, I'm Nicole and I will be your guide and etiquette teacher throughout the Selection process. Any questions, you just come to me. For today, I will act as your tour guide around the palace." The girls all brightened up, probably excited to have a tour of the palace. There was a few rooms I had never been in, so I was excited too.

Miss Nicole showed us all of the main rooms of the palace, putting an emphasis on the off-limits areas; the hall where the king had his office, and the third floor, where the royal family had their private rooms. I wondered if Prince Ethan was up there at that very moment. We were not to go outside, in the gardens, except during specific times of the day. This was for our own security. I tensed at the thought of rebels, once again. The studio where they filmed the Illéa Capital Report was huge, and I couldn't believed we'd be filmed there in three days. Overall, the palace was as grand and luxurious as it had always been.

We were dropped-off at the second floor, where our rooms were located. Every door had a plaque on it with a selected girl's name on it. My room was between Hazel Davis' and Violet Bethel's, and right across from Harper Abell's and Evelyn Macey's. I recognized Violet's name and felt happy I was rooming near a friendly face. Harper, on the other hand, was quite the character. I heard her coming down the hall, talking with some poor girl.

"Don't I look beautiful? You could be looking at your future queen, right here." She tossed her long brown hair. "I'm a model, but clearly, everyone knows that already. I've seen a few rather unattractive girls here. Clearly they will be gone in no time. What prince would want a pumpkin for a wife?" She laughed, a fake, empty sound. I shook my head, not seeing the point in speaking that way, and entered my room.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now