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I TUCKED THE LITTLE FLOWER I had made out of cloth in my handbag, as the prince would arrive soon. Of all things, he had invited me for a walk in the gardens. We would be accompanied by guards, of course, but I'm not sure if that made me less or more nervous. I was pacing the room, ready much too early, therefore leaving lots of time to over think. My maids had put me in a mint green gown and curled my hair and I found myself wondering what Prince Ethan's tastes actually were. In the end, I figured that if it was meant to be between us, he'd like me the way I am.

When he knocked, I was just standing in the middle of my room, controlling my breathing to calm down. I straightened myself and curtsied when he entered. He greeted my maids and gestured for me to wrap my arm around his so we could go. Oh, how I loved doing that. Although it was silly, I wished I could hold his hand, too. "How are you feeling, Luna?" I had been daydreaming, so him suddenly speaking as we walked down the hall caught me by surprise. "I... I'm doing alright, thank you Ethan. Are you feeling better?" He shrugged, and smiled softly. "I'm alright. Somehow, when I'm near you, it really lifts my mood. You're such a calming person, you know that?" I almost burst out laughing. Me? Calming? I was always so nervous! He was the calming one. And yet, he seemed sincere, so thanked him. "I think you must just be sensing how happy I am to be here." I admitted.

Before he could reply, we entered the gardens. They really were a stunning sight. I had a thought for Alice, who had lost her life here not long ago, and felt a little sad. "It's funny to think that this is the furthest I've been outside the palace walls." Ethan said, seeming a little less joyful. "You've never been outside?" I asked, shocked. He chuckled. "Ah, I'm afraid father won't allow it: too dangerous. I have been to other countries, though, to discuss with their leaders and such. Honestly, I hate that I've seen more of other countries than my own." I had never traveled in my life, and wondered what it was like. I was born in Likely, then moved to Angeles, and that's the entirety of my travels. "Where was the last place you visited?" I asked him. "France, last year." I lit up. "I'd love to see France." I said, dreamily. Ethan seemed to think. "I remember from your form that you speak French, correct?" I nodded. "My foster mother thought me. Her ancestors had immigrated from France, very long ago."

We sat on a bench, and he seemed pensive, staring off into the distance. "Can you tell me... what you really think of me, in French? I won't understand anything." I giggled at his request, but obliged all the same. I looked into his eyes, as he did when he spoke to me. "D'abord, je crois que vous ferai un merveilleux roi. Il y a tant de compassion dans vos yeux." I paused, and remembered that he wouldn't understand, anyway. "Quand je vous ai rencontré pour la première fois, il y a trois ans, j'ai été charmée par votre grand coeur, mais aussi par votre timidité. Comme j'aimerais être votre confidente, je crois que l'on se comprendrais si bien. Vous êtes tellement spécial, je ne sais l'expliquer en mots." I finished.

"I have no idea what you just said. Will you translate for me, please?" Ethan pleaded, innocently. "No way!" I laughed. He leaned in a little closer. "I love the sound of your voice in French." He told me, his voice like a whisper. I felt my face get hot. How was I to survive our dates if he kept saying things like that? "Do you speak any other languages?" I asked him, feeling shy. He shrugged. "A little of everything, but mostly basics. I'm fluent in English, though." I smiled. "I love the sound of your voice in English." I'd always had a weakness for men with nice voices. For the rest of the walk in the gardens, he took my hand, and it felt so right.

Just before he dropped me off at my room, I suddenly remembered that I had brought I gift for him. "I have something to give you." I announced. Ethan stopped us in the hallway, turning to face me, a quizzical look in his eyes. "I made it myself, out of some cloth and fabric paint." I said, my head ducked, opening my handbag. I took out the lily, delicately. "It's a handmade flower, a cappuccino lily. Oh, it's kind of silly, isn't it?" I added lamely, suddenly insecure about my little craft. He starred at it, wide eyes, and my chest tightened at the thought that he perhaps didn't like it. "It's for me?" He finally said. Maybe it was a strange gift. Had I made a mistake? "I mean, I made it with you in mind, so yes, if you want it." Then, surprisingly, he reached down to my hands, and took the flower in his, ever so softly. "It's lovely. I've never received a handmade gift before." He said, quietly. "I admit that I am lost for words. Thank you, Luna, I sincerely love it." Still carrying the little flower, he left me at my door. "I had a great time." He said, before leaving me. Why is it that I had never been bothered with being alone, but we he was gone, I felt so lonely? As I was falling asleep, I replayed the date in my head, hoping that I'd get to experience it all over again, in a dream.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now